My job for fifteen years (1975 - 1990) had been to write computer programs to make people redundant. I was not alone; throughout the western world an army of programmers have been working night and day to get rid of as many jobs as possible. Each job discarded meant improved productivity...
You hang out with people who do things that you do like, I don’t know, play video games or watch movies or something, but when it comes to business, having a partner that does what you do just adds a redundant set of skills. For example, two designers teaming up or two developers...
Centre for Bio-inspired Technology, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London, London, UK Pantelis Georgiou Department of Infectious Diseases, Imperial College London, London, UK Alison Holmes Contributions W.B., R.W., and T.M.R. contributed to study concept and...
And yet still, despite all that, people often behave in the most unexpected ways. They cling to archaic and redundant social forms, they reject seeming friends as enemies and embrace their oppressors as friends. It is a problem that Marx famously addresses in the most historically situated of...
For people living in the UK, managing personal finances is entering a challenging new phase, with predictions that rising inflation, alongside higher costs of borrowing, energy and food prices will cause “real pain” for citizens. He said: “Inflation is a risk that is often overlooked, howeve...
Redundant and unnecessary checks had been removed but, in order for the economy to be robust, the engineers of the economy had made sure that at least two whole compartments could be flooded before anything really nasty would happen. Sound familiar? Mar 25, 2012 Robustness analysis: finding ...
But the consequent eco- nomic and psychological disruption to redundant long-serving workers may not included in the discourse, being deemed irrelevant to the com- pany's performance. Prohibitions on discourse by the powerful serve to order and control it against the resistances of the rest. ...
we selected 40 most frequently ranked statements. These were presented in the round 3 survey with three redundant statements removed. The remaining 37 characteristic statements were categorized across 6 socioecological domains and panellists were asked to select 1 of 3 framings by which to rank the...
I bet most people moaning haven't even played it... Like all the people moaning about the Xbox one last year, every game requires day one patches or always online connections now. Microsoft should have stuck with their original idea rather than listen to Internet trolls. What has the ps4...
10am: Picked up an emailed query for a land registry search, left over the weekend, and emailed the team to say I’m doing it (that might seem redundant – there are only six of us and we all sit together – but we work different shifts and my job share won’t pick up the email...