“All” customizations. That way if I had a customized Ribbon Tab in Word 2010 named "Regulatory Formatting", and I needed to import a new customized Ribbon Tab for say "Manufacturing Formatting", I could do that without losing my customized "Regulatory Formatting" Ribbon Tab. This would ...
Clearly, the algorithm needs tweaking. Multiple instances of the Privilege class should all cooperate, as long as they are all instantiated on the same thread. It should not matter whether they are instantiated within the same function call, or in different places in the same ...
It may have been deleted.","existingGroupHubMember.title":"Already Joined","existingGroupHubMember.message":"You are already a member of this group.","accountLocked.title":"Account Locked","accountLocked.message":"Your account has been locked due to multiple f...
NikolinoDEthank you for your reply. I followed your instructions, but the hyperlinks now contain a SharePoint address (where my Excel file is saved) and not a web address. The first link is: https://mitre.sharepoint.com/sites/fccc2h/Shared%20Documents/General/Base%20Period%20-%20Sep%2030...
In addition, this work focused on the analysis of non-verbal cues to inform the spotlight selection, but future efforts may consider a multimodal approach that combines multiple sensing modalities (for example, microphones and eye tracking) to help improve the quality of the info...
(UIST), we experimented with microtasking in the domain of writing, generally considered a task that requires multiple periods of focused attention. We demonstrated how people were able to make meaningful edits using ourmicroediting tool Play Writein a scenario where they were also watching a ...
(data.type == 'textarea' || data.type == 'input' || data.type=='rate' || data.type=='color' || data.type=='switch' || data.type=='text')"> <el-input v-if="data.type=='textarea'" type="textarea" :rows="5" v-model="data.options.defaultValue"></el-input> <el-...
If the-fontnameparameter has been provided and is a single name, set the word to use it it, if multiple fonts have been specified select one at random. If not font is specified the default PowerPoint font will be used. Place the first (most common) word in a Powerpoint Shape (rectang...
This element is supported in Word 2007. On save, to make a phantom visible, Word 2007 uses an <mpadded> element only (not <mphantom>). This is true whether the object is smashed or not. On save, to make a phantom invisible with no smashing, Word 2007 uses an <mphantom>...
To view the CDS, click theGo CDSbutton or press the keyboard combination Shift+Ctrl+F2. The Candidate Data Set window opens, displaying a row for each data entry record that meets the criteria you defined in the MCS.