You use make to talk about the names of products such as machines or cars, which last for a long time. This is a very popular make of bike. Be Careful!Don't use the plural form of a noun after brand of or make of. For example, don't talk about 'a make of vehicles'. Say '...
You use make to talk about the names of products such as machines or cars, which last for a long time. This is a very popular make of bike. Be Careful!Don't use the plural form of a noun after brand of or make of. For example, don't talk about 'a make of vehicles'. Say '...
A user create a private draft, after that, they will publish the news for the whole company. Here are more information, how it works and where have access to private drafts: And no, it's not possible to disab...
Our Microsoft Learn community, along with the rest of the world, has experienced a time of great change over the last few years—the pandemic, a sudden shift to remote work, economic volatility, and huge leaps in the capabilities and implementation of AI, to ...
“To answer that question, you have to get a little inside a woman’s head. I know that’s a scary thought, but bear with me” (2). There is no need to pander to gender stereotypes that are already problematic. Honestly, there is little of this kind of content in the book, but ...
From China, Hu Wei, vice-chairman of the Public Policy Research Center of the Counselor’s Office of the State Council, expects that as a result of the Ukraine crisis, “The power of the West will grow significantly, NATO will continue to expand, and U.S. influence in the non-Western ...
Annone- Elephants in Art and Imagination began as a record of my search and research into the story of Annone. An internet message in a bottle, a call to artists and imagineers to follow the story of an elephant. Not all elephants, plural, who desperately need a call to their defense...
a. To list or register in a book: booked the revenue from last month's sales. b. To list or record appointments or engagements in: A calendar that was booked solid on Tuesday. c. To record information about (a suspected offender) after arrest in preparation for arraignment, usually incl...
A similar issue from a few years ago mentions that it's unicode text and a reboot should fix it among other ideas, though I haven't received confirmation as yet -