Making Jesus LordLoren Cunningham
Interesting awareness that comes to me as I write this tribute to my friend, Ted Winkler—so alive with the love of Jesus, and so filled with joy like he’s already in heaven—“Lord, lift me with your Spirit like that, and let it show.” ...
“The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Life is advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord.” Henri Nouwen My Jesus First Advent As this journey of Advent begins I am mindful of ete...
My Jesus gave His life for me His name means “the LORD saves” He will save people from their sins He paid my penalty He took upon Himself the curse that condemned me My Jesus said, “Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he...
Hey, pat on the back for me, but the one thing I failed at was in my relationship with Jesus Christ. Now, I’d never go back on my life or apologize to anyone for my journey because God created my path for a reason.For that I praise him. ...
In his Sermon 5, Eckhart provides us with the metaphor of the kiss, helping us to further image the possible nature of the human response to the divine address (what we might term the call to Bildung). He quotes from the prophet Jeremiah: ‘The Lord stretched out his hand and touched ...
Dani is a blessed daughter and servant of the almighty God, walking a daily surrender to be more like Jesus. Saved, delivered and healed by His grace, mercy and love. The burden from the Lord’s heart to her heart, is to see a perfect Bride, being ready, preparing the way for his ...
3) Surrender to the Lordship of Jesus/Yeshua of one’s life (following His way) is necessary to live the best possible life in this world and the next. 4) Accepting the reality of Jesus’ death and resurrection as atonement for sin is important. If true/real the resurrection says somethi...
Is Senior Adult VBS Part of Your Discipleship Strategy? In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commanded His disciples (us) as we are going (in the marketplace and life) to “make disciples of all nations.” Then He defined “make disciples” as (1) “baptizing them in the name of the Father ...
The Lord Sent the Word; Great Was the Company of the Women Evangelists The Best Welcome Communicating with Autistic Teens Stomp the Snake: The Prayer of St. Ephraim for Sunday School Archives October 2024 July 2024 June 2024 January 2024 ...