Borders include an Ankh-Morpork cheque book Waterstone's include a few Ankh-Morpork bank notes References This page uses content from the EnglishWikipedia. The original article was atMaking Money. The list of authors can be seen in thepage history. As withthe Discworld Wiki, the text ofWiki...
While the game was great fun, it suffered from several obvious defects that called out (nay, screamed) to be fixed. Most notably, the only way that my friends and I could play the game was against the computer. It was obvious that this gaming style would be ideal as a multiplayer game...
Among film makers, of course, this allows a plethora of ‘cheat shots’ used to convince us that action is taking place in some famous location when it isn’t. What Kuleshov showed was that our brains take markers from early shots and apply them to later ones making the conclusion that ...
For most of the history of the game industry, independent game development studios — which is to say studios that weren’t owned by a retail game publishing company — usually funded their projects by signing contracts with those publishing companies. Publishers would “advance” money for the d...
Dr. J. Robert Clinton, Professor of Leadership at the School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, has made great contributions to the study of Biblical leaders that finish well and also the barriers of finishing well. Dr. John Maxwell has stated that everything he has ever ...
It was awarded in economics, not history. In history, the object is to explain things that count, not simply things that can be counted – no matter how welcome and sometimes essential it is to get the relevant figures right. The question raised by Genovese in explanation of the "why" ...
1. I was ___ (指责) stealing her money , but in fact it was the other way around . 2. Youwill ___ (一事无成) if you don’t put your heart into your study. 3. Whatyoudidis___ (令人钦佩的) andwe___(羡慕)your ___ (成就).. 4. Effective ___(措施)should be taken to ...
1. Do not make the mistake of bumping ‘American Idol’ a third time. Those fans werepissedlast year and they know how to vote early and often (something you should be familiar with given your history in Chicago politics.) I know that our elected officials are not yet chosen via text ...
in 1973, the Endangered Species Act: the first time in our history that human beings took responsibility for giving other living species the right to exist. We acknowledged the rights of nature itself. From our perspective, “natural rights” has now expanded to include the rights of nature it...
2 interesting or exciting; vivid 有趣的; 激动人心的; 生动活泼的: a colourful character, life, story, period of history 活泼的性格、 活跃的生活、 生动的故事、 丰富多彩的历史时期. colourless (US colorless) adj 1 without colour; pale 无色的; 苍白的: a colourless liquid, eg water 无色的...