MakeHers: Engaging Girls and Women in Technology through Making, Creating, and Inventing 2 MakeHers: Engaging Girls and Women in Technology through Making, Creating, and Inventing For over 40 years Intel has been creating technologies that advance the way people live, work, and learn. Through ...
PUBLIC POLICY Lenovo maintains good relationships with local governments around the world and seeks to be a responsible corporate citizen in the countries in which it operates. Lenovo requires its employees to be truthful and accurate in all communication with all government authorities. The Company ...
NCTM The NCTM Standards (NCTM, 2000) include algebra as a strand that extends from prekindergarten to 12th grade. The goal of the algebra strand is to enable students to: • understand patterns, relations, and functions; • represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using ...
My parents knew I had a talent for it when I was in kindergarten and my art was being featured in the school newsletters. I had a couple art classes in high school, a basic art class in community college, and a whole lot of art history, but aside from that I haven’t had much ...
Parent Toolkit resources were developed by NBC News Learn with the help of subject-matter experts, including Maurice Elias, Director, Rutgers Social-Emotional and Character Development Lab; Jennifer Miller, Author, Confident Parents, Confident Kids; and Anne Morrison, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher, Lycée ...
Are you ready for some fall leaves? Watch this short (1 min) video to see how to create these beautiful fall leaves… This is what you’ll need: 1 peace of black paper (about 12″ x 15″) White liquid tempera paint or acrylic (I like tempera best as it’s easier to clean) ...
Give your kindergartener a bowl of green beans to snap, or let your kids dump flour into the mixing bowl when making bread. Kids from almost any age can help measure, rinse, stir, or clean. Start Simple When you first teach your kids to cook, you can overwhelm them with complicated ...
It’s not surprising, I’m sure, since I wear dressed down cocktail dresses to teach kindergarten, that I would share this outfit and now suggest a stay at home Valentine’s Evening. So here I go. Get dressed up and plan a special dinner for two. These recipes are all black- tie wo...
An Arkansas elementary school teacher is accused of making a kindergarten student pull toilet paper out of a feces-filled toilet with his hands. It allegedly happened at Crystal Hill Elementary in North Little Rock. The boy's mother, Ashley Murry, told KATV that the teacher told her son...
(accompanied by an aide) to spend 15-30 minutes at a time in there, testing a new environment. Having found success in those short periods of time in the general education class, Luke’s team decided to give him a split day when he went to Kindergarten. Since our neighborhood school ...