I purchased some Large size ziplok bags and labelled them. I snipped a tiny bit off one corner to aloow yarn to pass through. I put one bag of yarn into its ziplok bag. I have a special cloth bag from Yarndale; it pays homage to the film, Babe, with the quote on the front: Baa...
Your sales may even improve, because customers often like to buy from a company that treats its employees well. Your people are more productive: an organization that motivates and inspires its people will likely find that they respond by doing their most creative and productive work, and go ...
Yesterday I had cinnamon apples baking in the slow cooker all evening which made my house smell lovely. Apples are a favorite fall staple so, with October here, I thought it would be fun to share other kid-friendly fall treats. Here are some ones I’ve enjoyed making in the past and o...
The cr*p they sell at the grocery store isn't usually suitable for making butter. First, they always add carageenan and assorted other things to make it hold together, which don't work well in butter. Second, all the cream I have seen at the store lately is ultrapasteurized and DOESN'...
Barriers and Their Removal Despite local and global efforts to produce a public perception of "turning waste from nuisance to resource", most of the public still treats waste as something that needs to be dis- posed of as quickly and remotely as possible. The literature describes different ...