dnd-character A Python library to make 5e Dungeons & Dragons characters for use in another app. Characters are serializable into Python dicts so they can be saved and loaded however you wish. SRD rules are fetched from the 5e SRD API the first time they're requested, then the JSON is cac...
So, I'm attempting to make a game as-if Coleco had made a VFD version of Fix It Felix back in the day (with maybe a slightly higher budget than usual, when it comes to number of colors and such).I'm making the game in GameMaker Studio 2, mostly using their DnD (drag and drop)...
Character Technical Financial Risk Classification According to the Nature of the Assumptions Incomplete Incoherent Unstable Supply and Replacements Maintenance Atmospheric phenomena Maintenance costs and Variability NPV Legislative Framework Lack of Financing Inaccurate Shadows losses High Pay Back Sustainability ...
It could be speculated that this is due to the fact that performance in the beauty contest game is influenced by a large number of other variables, for example, cognitive abilities (Burnham et al. [10]) and social-evaluative stress (Leder et al. [33,34]) as well as general character ...
The Characteristi7c0s%of Healthcare Time Travel time is ma6i0n%ly concentrated in the urban morning rush hour, from 7:00 to 9:00, with a proportion of 49.68%, a5s0%shown in Figure 5. This part of the elderly mostly traveled by car, therefore, ebledtehrelyfohleloawlthincagr:ein...
DΘ represents the free model of DSm M f (Θ) and allows working with fuzzy concepts that describe the intrinsic and relative character. This kind of concept cannot be accurately distinguished within an absolute interpretation because of the unapproachable universal truth. With all of this, there...
Proglacial lakes: Character, behavior and geological importance. Quat. Sci. Rev. 2013, 78, 34–52. [CrossRef] 5. Carey, M.; Huggel, C.; Bury, J.; Portocarrero, C.; Haeberli, W. An integrated socio-environmental framework for glacier hazard management and climate change adaptation: ...
Load Level LoNaodLLoeavdel Characteristic Defect Frequencies (Hz) Change in Amplitude (dB) Characterist2ic0.D6,e7f9e.c4t,F1r5e8q.8uencies (Hz) Change in Am3 plitude (dB) Machines 2017, 5, 27MeNdoiuLmoaLdoad MeFduilul mLoLaodad Full Load 2203..62,, 7796..48,, 115583..86 2235...
These haylofts or "open-air" hay-making structures situated on meadows are features completing the visual character of some mountainous landscapes, and they are attractive for tourists. Haylofts were generally one-room wooden buildings with gabled rooves and no ceiling. During autumn, hay lofts ...
dnd-character A Python library to make 5e Dungeons & Dragons characters for use in another app. Characters are serializable into Python dicts so they can be saved and loaded however you wish. SRD rules are fetched from the5e SRD APIthe first time they're requested, then the JSON is cached...