. Ground-based surveys may also facilitate detection of smallwater bodiesdocumented as habitat for amphibians but that are dramatically smaller than a Landsat pixel (Sall et al., 2021). In addition, our reliance on NWI-mapped palustrine wetlands and lakes for the application of SMA likely ...
solutions including machine-learning based approaches and other advanced decision-making and control techniques. The benefits and drawbacks of previous studies in this area are discussed in detail and it is identified that the biggest shortcomings and challenges are benchmarking, ensuring interpretability,...
Model Parametrization and Spatial Metrics to Calibrate and Evaluate ModelsSnow HydrologySoft Computing in Hydrology: Application of Machine Learning, Optimization Algorithms, and Data MiningThe Intersection of Society and Watershed ScienceUnderstanding, Forecasting and Control of Flooding and Pollution in the ...