In conclusion, making choices in life is a fundamental aspect of our human experience. It is a process that grows more nuanced and complex as we age, but it also becomes more rewarding as we learn to trust ourselves and navigate life's uncertainties with grace. By approaching each decision ...
Life is all about choices. 美句欣赏 Each morning I wake up and say to myself ‘Mike, You have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.’ I choose to be in a good mood. 美句欣赏 You’re living your life an...
Unit2Makingchoicesinlife --LifeisallaboutChoices 第2课时 授课 时间 2014年5月30日 学生学习 需求分析 教材分析 Thetextisfrom<语文出版社>English拓展模块unit2,thethemeof thetextischoicesinlife,itmainlytalksaboutthesufferingMarkgot andhisattitudetolife,itguidesustofacelifewithaverypositive attitude,andhelp...
Lifeisfullofnumerouschoices.Warmingup:Whenyouhavesometroubleindoingsomething,whatkindofattitudesdoyoutaketoit?Warmingup:•Howdoyoulikeyourlife?Warmingup:•Whatisthemostvaluablethinginyourlife?Reviewsomewordsandexpressions thebottomlineturntosbforhelpthankstosucceedindoingsthlearnfromlifeinagoodmoodbeinvolved...
questions in group, Then presentation. 用固定句型练习,从而掌握句式。 学习过程 Fast reading 1. What are the two choices Mike would make every day? 2. What are the two kinds of attitudes one must choose from in the life? Careful Reading 1. What kind of young man was Mike? 2. What did...
语文版中职英语拓展模块unit 2《making choices in life》教案.doc.pdf,教学设计 教材 《语文出版社》拓展模块 设计人 张灿 Unit2 Making choices in life 第 2 课 授课 2014 年 5 课题 --Life is all about Choices 时 时间 月 30 日 The text is from 语文出 版社English
1、拓展模块unit2 making choices in life 教案教学课题Unit 2 Making Choices in Life - Reading Life is all about choices教学目标知识目标通过阅读,理解整篇课文的大意。能力目标通过组织各种课堂活动,如提问、讨论、阅读等培养和强化学生的语言实践和自主学习的能力。德育目标1通过了解迈克的故事,当我们身处逆境时...
Making CHOICES in life.You could discuss choices you (or others) have made and their consequences. You could write about choices you have made - those you regret, and those you don't regret.~consequences (后果)regret (憾)choices (评选 well that means "choose" hehe "choices"...
Making-choices-in-life 身残志坚 想一想 Whatmakeshimsucceed?Lifeisfullofdecisions,rangingfromminordecisionslike‘ShallIdosomehomeworktonight?’tomoreimportantoneslike‘WhatkindofjobshallItake?’.Discussionquestions:1.Whatisthebiggestdecisionyouhaveevermade?Discussionquestions:2.Ifyouhaveachancetochooseonlyone...
【语文版】中职英语拓展模块:Unit 2《Making Choices in Life》ppt课件(1) 热度: 应用英语教程综合英语2 课件 Unit 1 Choices in life 、Unit 2 Passion an Ambition 热度: 《Life-Choices》-PPT教学课件(第1课时) 热度: Makingchoicesinlife Tobeornottobe ...