While cannabis is illegal in some countries and states, cannabis oil is still widely used to treat patients. As more research resulting in positive effect after using cannabis oil for treatments arrive, some countries have started to review their policies and regulations towards the use of cannabis...
PAX Growing the Apple of cannabisLight Field Lab Tech so revolutionary, TIME named it one of the Best Inventions of 2022 Mode A toothbrush so refined it’s endorsed by GQ Pupford A pup-approved and add-to-cart kind of brand Auria Skincare products that need no concealingJabra...
Solid. Still, maybe one mini chocolate bar. And the warmth should always be a factor. Cowichan Valley Citizen editor Andrea Rondeau recalls her early costume days: “Ours were pretty home-made most of the time — mummy (white plastic garbage bags), ice skater. Biggest quibble is that no...
Medical marijuana, commonly referred to as medical cannabis, is used to relieve or manage pain and other conditions instead of being used for a recreational or spiritual purpose. Any type of cannabis that contains an effective amount of cannabinoids can be considered therapeutic cannabis if used for...