(n_subscripts * sizeof(ydb_buffer_t*)), except I shouldn’t have included the final*because the YDB API uses an array of buffer structs, not pointers to structs. In the end I found the bug by manually running Lua’scollectgarbage()– which often makes memory errors occur sooner rather...
I have since used an entirely different method, and I realize that using a vector like this is a bad idea (I know the size of array - rgb) but I was wondering why I got the performance hit. I was comparing the z values to sort. Here is my sorting function and struct list: std:...
Unfortunately clangd does not recognize custom types defined in headers located in the /home/xenlauz/.conan/data so, e.g. "go to definition" does not work. I know that clangd relies on the compile_commands.json file which contains array of objects, where each object ...
Consider, we have an array of model instancesmodelArray; we can compute the height of the table view with one line of code: let tableHeight = modelArray.map {CustomCell.heightForModel($0) }.reduce(0, combine: +) Themapwill output an array ofCGFloat, containing the height of each cell...
and textually separated from my mechanisms.For example, I could be using the same classes that represent classes, structs, namespaces, and so on, to implement VB instead of C#. I want the policies of the C# language to be in a class whose sole responsibility is implementing these policies....
The two key parts of that code are the data(forKey: "Items") line, which attempts to read whatever is in “Items” as a Data object, and try? JSONDecoder().decode([ExpenseItem].self, from: savedItems), which does the actual job of unarchiving the Data object into an array of ...
In the updated edition of this critically acclaimed and bestselling book Microsoft project veteran Scott Berkun offers a collection of essays on field tested philosophies and strategies for defining leading and managing projects Each essay distills c
There are, of course, plenty of bug fixes and updates too. I'd urge you to carefully read the Change Log, especially if upgrading from an earlier version in an existing project. Hundreds more areas have been covered with documentation too. An on-going battle which we're winning, albeit ...
said digitized electronic impulses of the pictorial background selected by the user so as to define a digitized electronic representation of the user's image integrated into the pictorial background and transferring said impulses in an electronic array to said video monitor for display to the user;...
An ice cube maker in which a generally vertically disposed array of fins including first fins extending laterally outwardly from one side of a central vertical plane and second fins extending outwardly from the other side of the plane is disposed over an open top tank to which a predetermined ...