If you plan to work on an app in Swift, you need to budget time to keep pace with the language. I think it’s worth it though – it’s important to stay up to date with the latest and greatest, and a good learning experience. Apple has also been good about listening to feedback...
.cameraViewController(self, didReceiveBuffer: sampleBuffer, orientation: self.videoFileBufferOrientation)is where the video sample buffer is passed to the Vision framework subsystem for analyzing trajectories, the second part. This delegate callback is implemented inGameViewController.swifton line 335: C...
314 Billion Parameter Grok-1 Inference Accelerated by 3.8x, an easy-to-use Python + PyTorch + HuggingFace version for Inference. [code][blog][HuggingFace Grok-1 PyTorch model weights][ModelScope Grok-1 PyTorch model weights] SwiftInfer: Inference performance improved by 46%, open source solution...
A beginner SQLite tutorial series on using SQLite for iOS. This part focuses on making an app that uses a SQLite database.
For example, an email client might represent an email as rich text, plain text, and a PDF. If you’re new to adopting Transferable, refer to CoreTransferable. One of the assistant schemas in the list below. If you’re new to using App Intents and assistant s...
Add your Swift package or Swift Playgrounds app project to an Xcode project to build it in Xcode Cloud. Setting the next build number for Xcode Cloud builds Start numbering builds from a custom build number for your existing Mac app to avoid version collisions. Including notes for testers with...
Expo SDK, Modules API, Go app, CLI, Router, documentation, and various other supporting tools.Expo Application Services (EAS)is a platform of hosted services that are deeply integrated with Expo open source tools. EAS helps you build, ship, and iterate on your app as an individual or a ...
One of the great things about being an iOS developer is you get to tell your devices exactly what you want them to do and they do it—your devices will do tasks over and over again without getting tired. That’s because iOS devices don’t care how hard..
Wind turbine wake interactions at field scale: An LES study of the SWiFT facility The University of Minnesota Virtual Wind Simulator (VWiS) code is employed to simulate turbine/atmosphere interactions in the Scaled Wind Farm Technology (... X Yang,A Boomsma,Matthew BaroneFotis Sotiropoulos - 《...
Swift Falls Away after Making an Early BreakFotheringham, Alasdair