I have made an app in OSX Python, that uses FFMEG andffprobe. It runs fine in my VS Code. I want to make a self sustained app, that others can use, without needed to install anything themselves. So, I manually included the static libraries in the bin folder of my main app, a...
I am trying to make a small application for data entry using tkinter and custom tkinter. The code runs fine in python and I made the exe file of it using pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole try45.py But on running the exe file it gives error labelled as "Unhandled exceptio...
After an OIDS event is generated through the OIDS monitoring function or OIDS filter, you can use the OPS APIs (including OIDS event subscription, writing back event execution result to OIDS, and obtaining environment variable) supported by association between OIDS and OPS to ...
Then in Python we can retrieve random values from the Javascript side like so: defprint_num(n):print('Got this from Javascript:',n)# Call Javascript function, and pass explicit callback functioneel.js_random()(print_num)# Do the same with an inline lambda as callbackeel.js_random()(...
Python >= 3.7 CUDA >= 11.0 NVIDIA GPU Compute Capability>= 7.0 (V100/RTX20 and higher) Linux OS If you encounter any problem with installation, you may want to raise anissuein this repository. You can easily install Colossal-AI with the following command.By default, we do not build PyTo...
A beginner SQLite tutorial series on using SQLite for iOS. This part focuses on making an app that uses a SQLite database.
To represent database-table data in Python objects, Django uses an intuitive system: A model class represents a database table, and an instance of that class represents a particular record in the database table. To create an object, instantiate it using keyword arguments to the model class, ...
For example, use the Shell Script template in Xcode to create the file, and then make it an executable by running chmod +x ci_post_clone.sh in Terminal. Open the custom script in Xcode and add the necessary commands to install a tool with Homebrew. Note You can use custom build ...
I'm currently working on an application that needs a lot of pdf files. I want to recursively traverse my Onedrive, including shared folders. While my python scripts works, I need to keep logging in after a few folders. I use the GraphServiceClient from the msgraph-sdk ...
Cloning Code to Your Local Machine When you create an OpenShift application with the RHC command-line tools, by default the new Git repository created on the OpenShift gear will be cloned to your local machine. The contents will end up in a new directory with the same name as the applicat...