I have made an app in OSX Python, that uses FFMEG andffprobe. It runs fine in my VS Code. I want to make a self sustained app, that others can use, without needed to install anything themselves. So, I manually included the static libraries in the bin folder of my main app, a...
I am trying to make a small application for data entry using tkinter and custom tkinter. The code runs fine in python and I made the exe file of it using pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole try45.py But on running the exe file it gives error labelled as "Unhandled exceptio...
After an OIDS event is generated through the OIDS monitoring function or OIDS filter, you can use the OPS APIs (including OIDS event subscription, writing back event execution result to OIDS, and obtaining environment variable) supported by association between OIDS and OPS to ...
This exception is an attribute of the model class that the query is being performed on - so in the code above, if there is no Entry object with a primary key of 1, Django will raise Entry.DoesNotExist. Similarly, Django will complain if more than one item matches the get() query. In...
Python 013himanshu/Notezy Star0 Code Issues Pull requests An android Note Making app with Room Database packed with features like LiveData, MVVM architecture, etc. androidrecyclerviewcoroutineskotlin-androidmvvm-architecturestaggeredgridlayoutmanagermvvm-androidnotemakingapproom-databaselivedata-databindingstagg...
DifyDify is an open-source LLM app development platform. Orchestrate LLM apps from agents to complex AI workflows, with a built-in RAG engine. More production-ready than LangChain. Build AI applications faster with support for mainstream LLMs, an intuitive prompt orchestration interface, high-qu...
A deep dive into why RAG doesn’t always work as expected: an overview of the business value, the data, and the technology behind it. Dmitrii Eliuseev in Towards Data Science Graph Visualization: 7 Steps from Easy to Advanced Making visualization with Python, NetworkX, and ...
I'll use USB passthrough so I can use the smart card with my code signing key in the VM. I also have a newer MacBook Pro with an Apple Silicon processor that I'll need to use (at least somewhat) to make the Apple Silicon release, and an x86-64 computer running Ubuntu, which I ...
has an adverse connection with HRV; hence, it can be used as a prognostic indicator to predict the onset of an inflammatory response associated with Covid-19 [16]. Also, according to studies, sleep disturbances are a common symptom for individuals with an acute COVID-19 infection [17]. Wh...
Questions to Ask About Your Android Application Your Not Selling an Application, You're Selling a Culture Marketing Your Android Application How to Promote Android Applications Within Android Applications Marketing the Free Application In-App Billing: Putting a Store in Your Application ...