1-letter options (like an option's alias, for example) are prefixed by a single dash -web -xIf an option requires a value (value options), provide it in one of the following ways:web --option=valueweb --option valueThe assignment syntax (--option=value) is more explicit and helps ...
If the command or alias is not found, it prints an error message. :param line: The command or alias to be handled. :type line: str :return: None one_cmd Internal function to execute commands. This method attempts to execute a given command using onecmd and captures the output. It ...
Similarly,man -k nameis an alias toapropos name. The command searches fornamein theman-dbdatabase of descriptions and prints those that have a match. As it searches name and description of each manual, this flag would be useful to find all manuals on a topic. $ man -k apropos apropos ...
Can't add my current email as a new alias Can't boot to C: drive can't boot, can't update, can't fix, can't sleep Can't change the resolution of my second screen, even when it's selected. Can't delete scheduled task as administrator Can't enter numbers at PIN login Can't...
9000: The Application Host Helper Service encountered an error while reading the data for SID mapping. Please ensure that the application pool name data is correct in the configuration file. To resolve this issue, please recommit the changes or restart this service. The data field contains the ...
affordable consumer electronics space, and its recent mic entry is a strong budget contender. This unidirectional desktop condenser mic will work with just about every current version of macOS, Windows, and Linux. It’s got a long 5-foot USB cable, and an included stand, all for around $60...
#2: Create a TCP alias: Create an alias with the non-default TCP port on the machine where the client application is running. Alias is an alternate name for SQL Server used to make connection which encapsulates the following elements in the connection string ...
in *-*-mingw*) PLATFORM_WIN32="yes" - MINGW_EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-no-undefined" - ;; - *-*-cygwin*) - MINGW_EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-no-undefined" - ;; - *-*-linux*) - MINGW_EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-no-undefined" - ;; *) ;; esac diff --git a/mingw32-netcf.spec.in b/mingw32-netcf.spec...
keytool -importcert -file </cert/file> -keystore </keystore/file> -alias “<cert_alias>” Import PKCS 12 cert archive file: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore </src/keystore/cert_file.p12> -destkeystore </dest/keystore/file> -srcstoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass <password> ...
In order to install thepggem you have to have PostgreSQL on your system, all you need to do is install it via your package manager of choice. If you're running an Debian/Ubuntu based GNU/Linux for example run:apt-get install nodejs postgresql redis-server memcached. ...