cutsphere.stl Importing a test stl file Jul 4, 2018 ubuntu; renaming "most likely due to a circular import" Sep 7, 2022 heekscad.png changed frame icon from .ico to .png file Jul 4, 2018 shape.step various progress ...
Linux 下 编译动态库的时候,碰到如下错误提示,很奇怪。不是代码本身的问题 /usr/bin/ld: ./xxxxx.o: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol `_ZTVN9xxxxxE' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC makefile:49: recipe for target '' failed /usr/bin/ld...
原文地址: Making a Shading Language for my Offline Renderer 作为一名图形程序员,我通常不会花太多时间在与计算机图形或游戏引擎关联不大的事情上。然而,去年我确实花了四个月的空闲时间为我的渲染器 SORT 构建了一种着色语言,我称之为微型着色语言 (TSL)。 一开始,由于缺乏关于编译器工作原理的知识,我不知道...
A value of type 'ArrayExtension' cannot be added to a collection or dictionary of type 'String[]'. a value of type 'style' cannot be added to a collection or dictionary of type 'uielementcollection' A wpf control, how to receive the mouse click event outside itself? A5 Printing using ...
File formatSTL, STP/STEP, IGS, X-T, OBJ OriginChina ExpressUPS,DHL,FEDEX,TNT Machines3D printers CNC Machining or NotNot Cnc Machining Material CapabilitiesPLA,ABS,Resin,PA(Nylon), PMMA, PP, PC, PE,Stainless Steel,Aluminum Alloy, Die...
FILE* f = NULL;// Handle to file // Initialize string buffer with empty string TCHARszBuffer[_MAX_PATH] = _T("");// String buffer // Do something with variables above... 注意:有人说变量初始化会引起程序效率降低,是的,确实如此,如果你确实非常在乎程序的执行效率,去除局部变量初始化,你得想...
(STL files, etc) using the fast-Ojitmethod, you need to have a C++ compiler installed (GCC or Clang), and you need theglmC++ math library installed. These things will already be installed if you have built Curv from scratch using the build instructions. Otherwise, if you are using a ...
If you plan to mount the PCB on a 3D-printed base (seepicture): Download and print the STL file for the base (see below). Use the tap wrench and 4/40 tap to cut threads in the holes in the 3D-printed base. Solder the red and black power wires to the5.5mm x 2.1mm DC Power ...
I also wanted to explore ways I could get from an OpenSCAD design to an object created on my CNC mill. It’s a bit trickier than just exporting an STL file. The video above includes instructions on how to use ChainringGen in conjunction with other open-source tools to actually make a ...
The data have been taken by a CT-scan in the form of DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine) is amended by Catya into STL files (stereolithography). STL file is then printed with 3D-printers and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines.Printouts based models have been created ...