colors, and textures. In this approach, excess is perceived as a positive quality in contrast tominimalism‘s “less is more” philosophy that prioritizes simplicity and clean lines. While minimalism prioritizes functionality, clean lines, and restrained ornamentation, maximalism thrives ...
Similarly, the dictionary defines innovation as new approaches that achieve positive outcomes. Is it coincidence that this is a synonym for creativity? I think not.I think this underscores that the future of marketing is a digital one, a tech-laden one. Brands have got to innovate in order ...
Once your business is established and well on its way in the business life cycle, new innovations like Starbucks need to be introduced to further increase revenue and ensure a positive future. Some ideas include branching into a lunch menu or catering for workplaces and functions as well as op...
However, there may be frameworks in use without being published in an academic journal, and academic citations may not always denote positive impact; frameworks may be cited by authors to describe negative aspects (e.g. to highlight bias or their inadequacies as a framework). Future research ...
According to subjective expected utility theory the goal of human action is to seek pleasure and avoid pain. In making decisions people will seek to maximize pleasure (positive utility) and to minimize pain ( negative utility). To do so,we calculat...
Given the importance of the impact of AD on speech abilities of the patients, this study aims to develop a technique for AD risk assessment from transcripts of targeted speech elicited from the participants. The task for acquiring speech data from the patients is the Cookie-Theft picture ...
In a more systematic treatment of oaths, the tractate Shevuoth lays out four categories of oaths: 1) An oath whereby a person promises to do either a positive action (to eat) or a negative action (to not eat) (Leviticus 5:4). 2) A false oath (Exodus 20:7). 3) A testimonial ...
The positive impact of the stock on the willingness to invest is a consequence of the so-called escalating commitment, expressed by the requirement on V θ S t + 1 : individuals have a higher demand for optimistic beliefs when they have more at stake (in this case, when they have higher...
Incentives, with possible positive or negative effects [9], impact review credibility and trust [41]. They can enhance positive sentiments [12], influencing purchase intentions, trust, and satisfaction [2,8]. Customer behavior in posting reviews plays a crucial role in shaping review quality [42...
The term “heuristic” has been used as a synonym of PT by some authors, so its inclusion in the search strategy was considered necessary. The information sources used to perform this first iteration were the Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, Dialnet and PsycInfo. The results were refined to ...