I can however add whatever of my own original cane designs (like this Easter Lily) or ones that are more ‘common license’ or ‘public domain’ (like rose canes or jelly roll canes etc.) that I want to. Especially if I can make it head slapping easy and put my own little spin on...
It comes in a roll and is used to line baking sheets for baking cookies, biscuits, scones, and other yummy carb-filled goodness. If you’ve never used it before, I recommend it. No more burned cookie bottoms. You buy it at the grocery store near the plastic wrap or sometimes in the...
Cindy do you video record under a brand name like OTT lighting? That crimson sure looks brown to me on the tape, and since I just got a package of it, here, I am sure looking at more red tones. Rose, 08 January, 2010 I love this tribal cane. Yesterday I looked for a quilt patt...