Once you’ve moved past the price portion of the offer, consider if other needs and conditions will be included. If you already own a home and need to sell it to pay for the new one, an offer contingent on the sale of your house is necessary. This offer contingency can be a sore p...
Earnest money is a deposit that you give when making an offer on a house. The deposit, usually 1% of the overall purchase price, is held with the real estate firm or attorney until closing. Earnest monies are important when making an offer because it provides the seller with a certain lev...
Assets can be added through Dorian's library of backgrounds and in-house character creator portal, or users may upload their original designs. Nodes are visually displayed as a branching narrative tree for accessible naviga tion, with a mobile preview on the right as with Episode's Writer ...
One such transition may occur if the stable link between context and behavior that forms the backbone of a habit is disrupted when the context changes (e.g., new job, moving house). The cues that were associated with the practice of meditation may no longer be present to trigger behavior....
“rightfully” belonged to the Russian ballerinas. (Markova’s great lifelong friendAlexandra Danilova, also a prima ballerina at the company, was happily an exception.) Not only did Markova have to contend with jealous dancers, but the all-Russian contingent of costume designers and seamstresses ...
Forming rapid impressions of other people’s social relations or obligations upon observing their interpersonal encounters from a third-person perspec
well. The Indian contingent also includes Kolkata-based experimental rock band PINKNOISE and Mumbai-based singer-songwriter Nicholson. In case you can’t afford the money or time to travel to Rajasthan or Goa for that matter, don’t feel too bad – December is a pretty good month for EDM ...
These gaps in the literature offer potentially fruitful avenues for future scientific enquiry. For example, there is still great scope to advance our understanding of the critical determinants (predictors, moderators and mediators) of energy consumption, as well as the precise impact that public ...
As with other huge places, they have a pharmacy, an electronics department, a house wares department…you can get bedding, pots and pans, and garbage cans. In fact, as I am writing I am hard pressed to come up with anything they don’t have when it comes to everyday needs in the ...
However, participants did indicate that the benefits of interoperability were contingent on the quality of data available in the EHR. Textbox 3: Awareness of need and potential benefits “So I think it’s really, really important that our information is shared, but shared correctly. (…) I ...