Makeup Forever powder foundation comes in a compact that’s perfect for travel. It also has a mirror inside the lid for touch-ups. The compact is refillable, too. So when you run out of foundation, you can purchase a refill pan to help cut down on waste. The brand’s cream...
2.Powder Foundation,这款粉饼持久度很高,是非常适合夏天使用的类型,可以打造出丝绒妆感,无论是服帖度还是毛孔遮盖力都很厉害,共有6个色号可以选择。内带的粉扑有两面可以选择使用,想要遮瑕度高一点时使用黑色的一面,想要保湿一点时使用白色的一面。3.博主面部妆容使用的是黑色一面,涂抹后就像什么都没涂一样轻薄...
Makeup Forever powder foundation comes in a compact that’s perfect for travel. It also has a mirror inside the lid for touch-ups. The compact is refillable, too. So when you run out of foundation, you can purchase a refill pan to help cut down on waste. The brand’s cream foundatio...
Makeup Forever Paris Pro Finish Powder Foundation - Beige Rose成分表来自备案信息 低风险14种中风险10种高风险2种 含有致痘风险:5种 ( 聚二甲基硅氧烷、 硬脂酸镁、 硬脂酸锌、 聚甘油-2 二聚羟基硬脂酸酯、 红色氧化铁 ) 含有防腐剂:3种 ( 氯苯甘醚、 羟苯甲酯、 苯氧乙醇 ) ...
1. **Pro Finish Multi Use Powder Foundation(多用粉饼)**:这款干湿两用粉饼,可以作为粉底或定妆使用,适合快速上妆或补妆的需求。它的多面使用海绵增强了产品的适用性。眼妆产品:1. **Aqua Eyes Waterproof Eyeliner Pencil(防水眼线笔)**:这款眼线笔以其速干和不晕染的特性受到推崇,色彩...
2. **Pro Finish Multi Use Powder Foundation(彩妆师挚爱粉饼)**:这款粉饼既可干用也可湿用。干用时直接定妆或用刷子当散粉使用;湿用时可代替粉底液,提供持久的定妆效果。配合保湿乳后使用,能够确保妆容服帖。眼妆类:1. **Aqua Eyes Waterproof Eyeliner Pencil(防水眼线笔)**:这款防水...
1. Makeup Forever Ultra HD Losse Powder 经典好用的透明蜜粉,非常推荐!正装是8g,我在Sephora买的travel size里面有4g。 已经用了很久了,我大概用了2/3吧,我争取夏天结束之前把它用完! 2. Kat Von D Lock-It Setting Powder 这个也是在Sephora买的travel size,里面有5.4g,已经可以用好久好久了。(正装有19...
Compact Makeup Powder Foundation 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 清透干湿两用粉饼 70.00 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
Multi-functional Use:This makeup forever foundation powder doubles as a concealer, brightening and evening out skin tone. Versatile Skin Type Compatibility:Our full coverage mineral foundation is designed for all skin types, ensuring a flawless match. Compact and Portable:The pretty fresh pressed face...
5、彩妆师挚爱粉饼 Pro Finish Multi Use Powder Foundation 干湿两用粉饼,干用是轻微遮瑕的定妆粉,湿用是强力遮瑕的粉底膏。其细腻的粉质,适用于各种肤质,专业甄选9款颜色,满足各种肤色不同妆效需求。减少滑石粉含量,使妆效更通透完美,告别厚重堆粉感,轻松打造专业妆容,是后台彩妆师必不可少的...