While manufacturers are not required to put an expiration date on cosmetic packaging these days many do. Look on the bottom or side of your package and often you'll see a little symbol that looks like an opened pot. Inside this symbol will be a number, such as 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 18...
To find the expiration date, look for either an expiration month and year stamped on the product, or a little open-jar symbol with a number followed by an M or Y. These letters stand for "month" and "year" respectively, and let you know how many months or y...
To make matters more confusing, some products simply don't suggest any expiration date. So to figure out what can stay and what needs go, here's a comprehensive breakdown of every toiletry and makeup expiration date. You'll never use germ-ridden makeup sponges, brow wands, eye cream, or...
Chloe Pantazi
To find out the optimal usage period for an opened product, please check the PAO (Period After Opening) symbol on the packaging. This universal symbol looks like a jar with its lid slightly open and displays a number in the center, indicating the number of months the product should be used...
and I'll now always keep a convenient dispenser/storage drawstring bag in my car's emergency gear for clean-up and another in our family's activity and camping go-bag. They're easier to have at the ready than wet wipes simply because there's no expiration date or concern about having ...