1. Don't crossflash desktop drives to slim drives or the other way around 2. In some cases crossflashing an Asus drive to an LG or the other way around you may no longer be able to burn disks-SamuriHL 3. Flashing Official UHD firmware to a UHD Friendly drive will not enable Powerdvd...
You need a BDXL-compatible LibreDrive drive, which includes most "official" and all "friendly" UHD drives. Check out the UHD drives subforum and the UHD Drives Guide thread. (Originally, the drive with the most reported success was the ASUS BW-16D1HT.)How...
For UHD enabled drives (AU/NZ/SG + Others) & DIY Single Drive Flasher (WW): https://uhdenableddrives.com Top salteran Posts: 1 Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2019 12:04 am Re: NEW OPTION: 'UHD Friendly' Firmware Downgrade / Cross-Flash Using Official (Modified) ASUS Flasher Post by salter...