命名:鸟神星是以复活岛拉帕努伊(Rapa Nui)原始部落神话中的神灵Makemake来命名,她是创造之神,生育之神。由于Makemake是复活岛当地主要教派鸟人教派(bird-man sect)的首要神灵,在中国,人们就将这个星名译作“鸟神星”。数据:经过科学家多年来的地面观测,对于鸟神星样子有了大致的了解,鸟神星的半径约为715公里...
Makemake is the second brightest Kuiper Belt object afterPluto, theoretically Clyde Tombaugh (discoverer of Pluto) could have detected it during his search for trans-Neptunian planets around 1930. However, Makemake would have been almost impossible to find against the dense background of stars of th...
Makemake is named for the god of fertility in Rapa Nui mythology. The Rapa Nui live on Easter Island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. Makemake was the chief god, the creator of humanity, and the god of fertility. Orbit, size and characteristics Makemake is the second brightest known object...
The Rapa Nui Polynesian culture from the Easter Islands worshipped Makemake (pronounced makei makei), the bird God, and their story is entrenched with the existential polarity of new life, sustainability, and termination. As part of this tradition, an important rite of passage consisted of havin...