如果你想要你的makefile和旧的make兼容,可以使用这个技巧;它也可以和很多现代的make版本一起工作。 如果你想每次在你运行make的时候,用特定的选项,比如 -k(*note Summary of Options: Options Summary),MAKEFLAGS 变量也是有用的。你简单地在环境中给 MAKEFLAGS 设置一个值。 你也可以在一个makefile中设置 MAKE...
make程序在读取多个makefile文件时,包括由环境变量“MAKEFILES”指定、命令行指定、当前工作下的默认的以及使用指示符“include”指定包含的,在这些文件进行解析执行之前make读取的文件名将会被自动依次追加到变量“MAKEFILE_LIST”的定义域中。 这样我们就可以通过测试此变量的最后一个字来获取当前make程序正在处理的makef...
# 2. 'make help' will list the assembly file targets (i.e. <srcfile.s> # 3. 'make <srcfile>.s' to build the assembly for that file. The file is built # to CMakeFiles/<currentdir>.dir/<srcfile>.s PROJECT(ASSEMBLER) SET(CXX_COMMON_FLAGS "${CXX_COMMON_FLAGS} -Wall -Wno-si...
How can I list the current value of all variables (also called macros) in a Makefile when running make? E.g. if this is in the Makefile: CUR-DIR := $(shell /bin/pwd) LOG-DIR := $(CUR-DIR)/make-logs Then I would like it to tell me: CUR-DIR = /home/johv...
Using the < $(MAKEFILE_LIST) allows for the makefile to be called something other than Makefile for instance Makefile.github You can customize the output to suit your preference in the printf. This example is set up to match the OP's request for rake style output When cutting and pastin...
Public development project of the LAMMPS MD software package - lammps/src/Makefile.list at develop · lammps/lammps
【3】一个简单的make&makefile编写指南 【4】Make 编译脚本上手 【5】CMake入门实践 准备 假设我们工程里有三个文件 main.c #include <stdio.h>#include<fun.h>intmain(){ printf("this is main\n"); fun();return0; } fun.c #include <stdio.h> ...
function MakeFileList(Path, FileExt: string; LimitFile: string): TStringList; var sch: TSearchrec; begin Result := TStringlist.Create; if rightStr(trim(Path), 1) <> '/' then //RightStr Uses StrUtils Path := trim(Path) + '/' ...