echo"Error: please install leptonica development library (libleptonica-dev for Debian/Ubuntu)"; exit4 fi if[[$res-ne 0 ]]# Unknown error then echo"Compiled with errors" >&2echo"$out" exit5 fi echo"Compilation successful"; 建立上面Makefile和build脚本工作正常。我的Makefile.am看起来这样: AU...
$(kecho) echoing information to user in a rule is often a good practice but when execution "make -s" one does not expect to see any output except for warnings/errors. 在规则中打印提示信息给用户通常是一个很好的做法,但是当执行”make -s”的时候人们将看不到任何信息,除了错误和警告信息之外....
echo"*** If your i386-*-elf toolchain is installed with a command"1>&2; \ echo"*** prefix other than 'i386-jos-elf-', set your TOOLPREFIX"1>&2; \ echo"*** environment variable to that prefix and run 'make' again."1>&2; \ echo"*** To turn off this error, run 'gmake ...
你或许听过好几种 Make 工具,例如 GNU Make ,QT 的 qmake ,微软的 MS nmake,BSD Make(pmake),Makepp,等等。这些 Make 工具遵循着不同的规范和标准,所执行的 Makefile 格式也千差万别。这样就带来了一个严峻的问题:如果软件想跨平台,必须要保证能够在不同平台编译。而如果使用上面的 Make 工具,就得为每一...
假设我有一个简单的makefile,如下: echo "hello world" echo "bye bye"生成h< tab 浏览63提问于2010-11-16得票数54 回答已采纳 1回答 文件名有问题的Git问题(#Makefile#) 、 其中一个文件是过去的遗物是#Makefile# (确切的名称)。我想在下一次提交时清理它,就像其他许多不必要的文件一样。然而,它特别会...
echo "Missing file '$@'" ; \ echo " - Do you need to update the htscodecs submodule?" ; \ false ; \ fi htscodecs/htscodecs: @if test -e .git ; then \ printf "\\n\\nError: htscodecs submodule files not present for htslib.\\n\ Try running: \\n\ git submod...
echo "--- done ---" It builds fine when I build from the command line ( make -f However, it does not build when building from eclipse (which essentially calling the same makefile). The make output shows exactly the same as what I got from the command line build, excep...
Documentation LICENSES arch block certs crypto drivers fs include init io_uring ipc kernel lib mm net rust samples scripts security sound tools usr virt .clang-format .cocciconfig .editorconfig .get_maintainer.ignore .gitattributes .gitignore
CONFIG_LIB_DATE=y # CONFIG_UNIT_TEST is not set 可以看出.config文件中都是以“CONFIG_”开始的配置项,这些配置项就是Makefile中的变量,因此后面都跟有相应的值,uboot的顶层Makefile或子Makefile会调用这些变量值。在.config中会有大量的变量值为 y’,这些为‘y’的变量一般用于控制某项功能是否使能,为‘...
// | tar xj && \ echo "export PATH=$PATH:/home/dev/gcc-arm-none-eabi-10-2020-q4-major/bin" >> ~/.bashrc # Create and set the working directory to /home/app ...