air ilmanpaineiden difference with respect to the reference value, and (b) air supply control unit.which is adapted to direct the tuloilmakoneistoa komparaattorin the comparison on the basis of the air supply control unit controls the tuloilmakoneistoa to intensify that intake air passes at...
As part of our residentialHVAC design servicesat Energy Vanguard, we design makeup air systems for some of our clients. To do that properly, we’ve had to dig in on this topic to find the most appropriate solutions. Here’s a brief summary of what you need to know about range hood ma...
The last thing you want to deal with in your building is a makeup air unit breakdown. Not only are they costly to replace, but you could be forced to close your doors due to health and safety concerns. Preventing this disaster is simple when you schedule regular maintenance on your unit...
3.So, studying onnature ventilationand energy efficiency in residential building become the direction of studying on building energy efficiency with climate and using natural resources.深圳市气候条件优越,居住建筑自然通风下人体热舒适,以及自然通风对建筑的节能效果成为深圳市利用自然资源,结合气候的建筑节能研究...
air shall known held b period political keep real miss probably seems question century cannot behind office major brought whose special federal cost boy south self economic problems study six heard run moment became ago available west street result job short position change age reason individual board...
群言 堂 allow everybody to air his view; let everyone have his say; speak one*s mind freely R. 燃油附加税bunker surcharge 染指reap undeserved profit from; encroach upon 绕圈 了 beat around the bush 热岛效应 tropical island effect 人才流失brain drain 人浮于事overstaffing 人T.智能 artificial...