Linux-makefile命令后面的-j4-j8是什么意思?Linux-makefile命令后⾯的-j4-j8是什么意思?其实是指在编译指定的⽂件时⽤多少个线程进⾏编程的意思~相关命令⽰例如下:make zImage -j8 make modules -j8 --- make zImage -j4 make modules -j4 ...
make zImage -j4 make modules -j4 诸位正值青春年少,一定恣情放纵,贪恋香艳梅施之情,喜欢风流雅韵之事,洒脱木拘。然而诸位可知,草上露一碰即落,竹上霜一触即溶,此种风情难于长久。
obj-$(CONFIG_BCMXXX) += bcmxxx/ //表示当执行make zImage或者make时,需要执行bcmxxx目录下的Makefile文件 但是因为bcmxxx在pc上的编译比较特殊,需要到bcmsdio/linux目录下执行, luther@gliethttp:/vobs/works/broadcom/src/bcmsdio/linux$ make -j4 所以上面的地址也应该改为 obj-$(CONFIG_BCMXXX) += b...
obj-$(CONFIG_BCMXXX) += bcmxxx/ //表示当执行make zImage或者make时,需要执行bcmxxx目录下的Makefile文件 但是因为bcmxxx在pc上的编译比较特殊,需要到bcmsdio/linux目录下执行, luther@gliethttp:/vobs/works/broadcom/src/bcmsdio/linux$ make -j4 所以上面的地址也应该改为 obj-$(CONFIG_BCMXXX) += b...
The resulting zImage booted just fine but gave a kernel panic about being unable to mount root file system. Repeating the exact steps as above with plain "make" instead of "make -j4" gave a kernel plus root file system that worked fine. That will teach me to follow direct...
上面介绍的编译模块是和内核一起编译的,这种编译方式比较耗时。在Linux3.x 以后的版本才引入了设备树,...
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- -j4 -C linux-2.6.16.RT.x zImage || exit 1 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/icom_new/linux-2.6.16.RT.x' CHK include/linux/version.h HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep HOSTCC scripts/basic/split-include ...
The resulting zImage booted just fine but gave a kernel panic about being unable to mount root file system. Repeating the exact steps as above with plain "make" instead of "make -j4" gave a kernel plus root file system that worked fine. That will teach me to follow direct...
Linux-makefile命令后面的-j4 -j8是什么意思? 其实是指在编译指定的文件时用多少个线程进行编程的意思~ 相关命令示例如下: make zImage -j8 make modules -j8 --- make zImage -j4 make modules -j4