In addition, if these marks don't seem to just rub away you using any of the methods suggested above you might have to get a bit more serious about them. In that case check out the article onhow to remove deodorant stains from clothes, which contains even more tips for how to wash t...
Homemade Cleaners: For Carpet, Floor, Glass, Drains Stain Removal: How to Get Stains Out of Clothes The Many Household Uses for Vinegar Lemon juice:The acidity removes mineral deposits and wax or grease buildup Baking soda(sodium bicarbonate): Cleans and deodorizes Mild liquid soap(castile, ol...
Thanks Sheila for sharing your tips for how to make your own laundry detergent. As you can see there are a lot of different recipes you can use to clean your clothes for less. If you've used a recipe, and it has worked well for you, pleaseshare it here, or read others already subm...
3 Surprising Reasons You Should Always Wash New Clothes Feeling Overwhelmed By Clutter? Do This First To Save Time What Is Washing Soda And How To Use It 7 Clothing Items You Should Always Hang (And 6 To Fold Instead) How To Wash A Leather Purse – Yes, I Said WASH!
How do you dry clothes without a dryer? Just make a quick & easy DIY clothesline if you don’t have a dryer. Follow the simple steps in this post for a cost-effective alternative to a dryer or a drying rack. Want a Cleaner Laundry Soap? Making your own laundry detergent is a great...
Step 3:Wash your clothes. Most recipes recommend using about four tablespoons of detergent for a regular-size load of laundry, which is a quarter of a cup. Dedicate a measuring cup to the laundry room for easy use. Or look at the empty caps from your last store-bought liquid laundry det...
Keep your makeup on your face – and off your clothes – with this moisturizing, antioxidant-rich makeup setting spray. Great for long days when you need your makeup to last well into the night, to make you’ll needaloe vera gel,witch hazel, purified water, andlavender essential oil. ...
Interested in learning how to make your own laundry detergent? You'll find the best DIY laundry soap recipes right here! Continue Reading Read This Next This Is The Perfect Solution For Your Hard-To-Iron Clothes The Best Way To Get Crisp, Wrinkle-Free Linens Without Ironing 6 Clever Hacks ...
If shaving foam doesn't work, you can also follow these steps to attempt to remove the stain using glycerin as an alternative stain remover. How to remove foundation from clothes The steps for how to get rid of a foundation stain are easy enough to follow - all you need is a spoon, ...
There's a reason borax has been a laundry room favorite for decades now — its stain-fighting properties (thanks to the boron) get the job done, plus it leaves clothes smelling fresh and clean. "As a laundry additive, borax provides moderate alkalinity buffering, and aids in loosening soils...