If you bought the deluxe kit, you'll already have the jumper wires needed, otherwise you can buy them separately here. It's an Arduino As I mentioned before, what makes the MaKey MaKey extra-awesome is the fact that it's completely Arduino-compatible. Ardu-what-now? Arduino is a ...
but the new Arduino Plug and Make Kit does not require any of those. No breadboard, jumper wires, or soldering needed. Users can simply connect the modules to the Arduino board through Qwiic cables, neatly attach everything together on the provided base, and follow one of the seven projects...
My first wiring setup saw the VFD being screwed to the wall and wires draped sort of everywhere. The bridgeport was getting its own 20A breaker in the subpanel, but I had also picked up a 10A DIN mountable breaker that was being tossed out at work. At this stage the 10A breaker was ...
Recently I built aSMD reflow ovenusing a toaster oven and acontroller kit. This has made it really easy to solder up SMD PCBs (surface mount device printed circuit boards). You simply put blobs of solder paste on the pads, drop the SMD parts into place, put in the reflow oven and bake...
UPDATE- Since the original charging circuit has been discontinued, the best way to connect the new version Sparkfun LiPo charger is to splice a mini USB cable to the solar cell wires so it can plug directly into the charger. There is a simple guide on how to do this here-http://lady...
Eric Rosenbaum Eric Rosenbaum is a Ph.D. student in the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at MIT Media Lab. He’s a member of the Scratch team and co-creator of MaKey MaKey.
The ChipKit board is a development board that together with the NetworkShield can give you a network-interpretable CAN system. About $110, this open source hardware solution is touted by the OpenXC standard and supports prebuilt firmware from OpenXC, but you can also write your own firmware ...