For version two I also bagged the jacket out through the hem rather than the sleeve as in version one so it looks neater when I roll my sleeves up. The pattern has you bag it out through the centre back seam I think, but as I added a pleat to my lining that wasn’t possible. I...
How to make your own bias tapeSUSAN KHALJE
Y’all know how much I love bias tape. I’ve been showing you projects with pre-made bias tape, but we all know it’s so much cuter when you make your own. It seems a little complicated, but do it once and you’ll be hooked. Let’s learn how to make bias tape. Bias tape is...
An essential part of any quilter or sewist’s arsenal, bias tape is helpful for creating stretchy, durable edges. Ashley Nickels demonstrates how to find the bias on ordinary quilting cotton, then how to cut, iron, and pin fabric to an edge. This snack-sized lesson packs lots of ...
I like the idea of the rick – rack and seam binding, can’t wait to try them. Thanks for another great idea! Soon to be grandma September 4, 2011 at 4:29 pm To address Cab’s questions, one row if stitching down the middle of the trim is adequate for a narrow trim but on...
5- Make bias tape and attach it! I usethis tutorialand used 2.25″ strips, folded over like quilt binding. I made about a yard of binding, which was plenty. If you’ve never attaching binding, Wendi has a great tutorial here.
The first thing you will want to do is sew the bias tape along the top of each of your pockets (11″ side). Do NOT sew to the bottom. Next, pin pockets along the edges of your base fabric. You will create pleats about 1/2″ or so at each side. ...
You just made your ownbias tape! And you did a whole bunch of math. Have a cookie. Insert the cording Place the cord in the center of the strip. Firmly wrap the fabric around the cord. Match the raw edges of the fabric to create a lip or flange. Pin in place. ...
‘Georgia Harrison sex tape’ became a topGoogle search. But after taking the courage to waive her right to anonymity, her campaigning led to a monumental change in the law. It removed the need for intent to cause distress or humiliation for non-consensual sharing to be prosecuted, therefore...
to determine how much piping you need. Use the bias tape calculator to cut just the right size, always remembering to add on a little extra for overlap. You'll need to cut your strip of fabric wide enough to wrap all the way around your cord and leave a seam allowance. Better too wi...