4.windows环境安装 下载mingwhttps://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/ 运行已下载的mingw-get-setup.exe文件进行安装,默认下一步就好了,默认安装到C:\MinGW 目录 也可以自定义安装路径 双击打开桌面上的MinGW Installer图标. 3.勾选需要的package image.png 选择安装 apply changes image.png 4.找到对应的文件夹,...
首先下载cmake的源代码和安装包:选择合适自己的版本,分别下载Windows Source和Windows X64 Installer ,...
Glenn R 0 Reputation points Jun 11, 2024, 1:17 PM This page: https://prod.support.services.microsoft.com/en-au/windows/uninstall-or-remove-apps-and-programs-in-windows-4b55f974-2cc6-2d2b-d092-5905080eaf98 says: "Note: Some apps can't be uninstalled from the Settings app right ...
Make the windows installer a module itself #1 Closed stefanjudis opened this issue May 27, 2015· 11 comments CommentsMember stefanjudis commented May 27, 2015 The MacOS dmg is created by appdmg. Removing the logic for dealing with nsi and putting it into another module, would make ...
How to use this tool to create Windows installation media, a.k.a. a bootable disk After downloading the tool, run the installer package and follow the intuitive on-screen guide until you get to this screen: What do you want to do?
1.下载最新的Windows ADK: https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows-hardware/get-started/adk-install 最新的为 windows 10 1809 下载安装adk: 选择以下两项就够用: 接下来安装ADKWinPEAddons: 运行:adkwinpesetup.exe 直到安装完成: 以管理员身份运行: ...
BTW, there is no error when burning Windows 11 ISO with Unetbootin but the USB is not recognized as a bootable device. Are you sure you had the USB stick properly formatted? I think Windows 11 installer requires a GUID partition scheme since it is a UEFI boot system. MBR is still fine...
Can't deal with the changes in Windows 11? Explorer Patcher takes you back to the Windows 10 UI.
master .github artwork attic controller debian doc ext include java macui node osdep rule-compiler service windows .gitignore AUTHORS.md CMakeLists.txt COPYING Jenkinsfile LICENSE.txt Makefile OFFICIAL-RELEASE-STEPS.md README.md RELEASE-NOTES.md ...
Windows 11 is a great operating system, but not everyone has to like how it looks out of the box. Here's how you can change