“Make waves” evolved from its literal maritime roots to become a powerful idiom symbolizing disturbance and significant change. Though primarily American in origin, its widespread adoption reflects universal concepts of innovation, disruption, and the quest for progress. The idiom continues to be use...
Definition of make waves by the Dictionary of American Idioms. make waves idiom meaning. What does make waves expression mean? How to use make waves idiom? Example sentences with make waves idiom.
Idiom: make waves 每日成语:大浪。 句子:为什么你告诉她真相? 您是否只是想挥手? 含义:引起麻烦。 如果掀起波澜,情况将会变得更糟或更严重Idiom of the day: make waves. Sentence: Why did you tell her the truth? Are you just trying to make waves? Meaning: cause trouble. If you make waves you ...
What does the saying 'Make waves' mean?Idiom: Make wavesMeaning: If someone makes waves, they cause a lot of trouble or stir things up a lot. Country: International English | Subject Area: Nature | Usage Type: Both or All Words Used Contributor: Richard Flynn ...
make waves: create a significant impression he has already made waves as a sculptor (Oxford Dictionaries) UPDATE: At the moment I cannot think of a suitable idiom for your intended meaning. I think Edwin's "ripple effect" captures one aspect of it, but I'm not sure "...
Meaning of 'Make hay'What does the saying 'Make hay' mean?Idiom: Make hayMeaning: If you make hay, or may hay while the sun shines, you take advantage of an opportunity as soon as it arises and do not waste time. Country: International English | Subject Area: Plants & Flowers | ...
make wavesSlang To cause a disturbance or controversy. make way 1.To give room for passage; move aside. 2.To make progress. on the makeSlang 1.Aggressively striving for financial or social improvement:a young executive on the make.
Subscribe to our free daily email and get a new idiom video every day! make (one's) day To cause one to feel very happy; to be a very positive highlight of one's day. When my neighbors surprised me with homemade chocolate chip cookies, it really made my day. Getting compliments at...
computronics comrade lover comsar comsic waves comsider as cuases fo comsol comte de maurepas comtemporary control comtinuous wave comtÉ dÉvreux comunication fundamen comvita comced commenced con continuous con bellezza con desolazione con ella con grazio con justo con man con piacere estremo ...
27. To collapse or crash into surf or spray: waves that were breaking along the shore. 28. Informal To take place or happen; proceed: Things have been breaking well for them. 29. To engage in breaking; break dance. n. 1. The act or an occurrence of breaking. 2. The result of bre...