7、使用VSCode打开fe", "be", "shell", "tests", "bin这些目录。 安装Code Server 大家可以参考这位同学的博客:简单3步部署code-server(vscode网页版)-CSDN博客。就是直接在Linux系统中安装一个应用,然后在页面上直接开发,而无需在windows上安装VSCode开发。这个比较方便的是,Linux系统中有全套的开发、编译环境。
一、配置环境VSCode官网下载安装MacVSCode(默认安装的是英文版)VSCode汉化输入“configure display language”然后点击确定后,重启VSCode工具安装vue插件vetur,实现支持vue文件的代码高亮(选择extends -> Vetur)打开VSCode控制台 浏览器访问 http://localhost Vscode 入门(1):下载与配置中文环境 ...
far costlier projects in terms of engineering effort have been open sourced and built thriving OSS communities ( .Net core, Typescript, vscode itself ), this seems like an odd one to reverse course on. I'm not quite seeing the business benefit that outweighs the negative community good will...
Then add the block below to your launch.json file and put it inside the .vscode folder in your app’s root directory. { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [{ "name": "Chrome", "type": "chrome", "request": "launch", "url": "http://localhost:3000", "webRoot": "${workspa...
But for your average developer who isn't completely in love with BBedit, there are still huge advantages to Apple shipping even a much more stripped down text editor that Markdown and Git-functionality. While you likely have your primary work editor, be it vim for me or vscode for you, ...
这时候开始网上查询各种方法,发现都不能够解决,最终使用了两种方法,奇迹般的解决了问题。下边就开始说下解决步骤: 1.在Anaconda下载目录找到这个文件anaconda3/pkgs/vscode_inst.py 打开之后利用Ctrl+f搜索下haveInternet,安装红色线注释掉 2.继续在这个文件搜索下VSCODE_ENDPO... ...