houses made of stone 3 a : to cause to happen to or be experienced by someone made trouble for us b : to cause to exist, occur, or appear : create make a disturbance c : to favor the growth or occurrence of haste makes waste d : to fit, intend, or destine by ...
"Make" typically requires an object to complete its meaning, while "making" can be used without a direct object, especially when functioning as a gerund. 7 What is the main difference between make and making? Make is the base verb form, indicating a single or general action, while making ...
VARIANT MEANINGEXAMPLES ERROR (expression) Imadeamistake. GIVEV. Hemadea goodspeech. PREPARE v. Shemadedinner. ARRANGE, PUT TOGETHER v. He ismakingtravel plans (an itinerary). EARN vs. I'm trying tomake a living. BE LOGICAL (expression) ...
The meaning of MAKE OF is to have or form an opinion about (something or someone). How to use make of in a sentence.
The white tips of his shirt collar made him look like a choirboy... 衬衫的白色尖领使他看上去像个唱诗班的男童。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Mama made him clean up the plate... 妈妈要他把盘子洗干净。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 You can't make me do anything... 你不能强迫我做任何事情。 柯林斯高阶英...
In order to discover it and make you able to explain it in a simpler way, I have made four examples. Please do me a favor and let me know which option works better in each sentence and which choice doesn't work at all plus the reason behind it. The first scenario: Teacher: you ...
Make a list is the correct phrase, meaning produce a list. Consider these sample sentences. Lane made a to-do list of everything we’ll do during the vacation. I will make a list of everything I like about you. Make or Do Shopping? The correct phrase is do the shopping because we ...
‘Scientists from NASA have made a new discovery on Mars!’ Watch out for collocations that allow the use of ‘make’ AND ‘do’. These are rare, but you should learn them. For example, ‘Do a presentation’ (conduct/perform) vs. ‘Make a presentation’ (same meaning, or emphasises ...
Meaning,you can change the way your WordPress website looks with just one click. For example, this is what a WordPress website looks by default, right after the installation: I think we can all agree this doesn’t look like much.
However, designs that employ short, non-interactive vignettes may limit the understanding of the workings of observer sense-making practices because they prevent participants “from critically scrutinizing and discovering flaws in disagreeable information, interpreting the meaning of ambiguous information to ...