After replacing the scripts in my project folder with the ones from here, I get this error appear when trying to run my project. Commenting out the call to makeVideoPlayableInline() in the scripts fixes this issue. RMMV: 1.4.0 corescript...
求助Referen..新版本的锅 重新创建一个新的工程然后打开文件目录找到index.html复制粘贴到你出错的游戏工程里的index.html(原始index.html先备份下以防万一),之后重新打开你出错的游戏
求助makeVideoPlayableInline is not defined 只看楼主收藏回复 御坂香香鸡 初级粉丝 1 按照以前的帖子复制一个新的index也没有用,实在是没办法了。 送TA礼物 1楼2018-05-08 13:15回复 御坂香香鸡 初级粉丝 1 2楼2018-05-08 13:16 回复 fdyH2O 初级粉丝 1 这问题解决了吗?? 3楼2018-06-21 ...
🎤 Enhanced Microphone Control: Microphone control is now more flexible than ever! Easily start/stop devices, mute/unmute, and adjust voice recognition thresholds independently.🚀 Quick StartYou can learn how to setup ChatdollKit by watching this video that runs the demo scene(including chat wit...