歌曲名: make you feel my love 吉他谱 歌手/乐队: Adele G D When the rain is blowing in your face F C And the whole world is on your case Cm G I could offer you a warm embrace A7 D7 G To make you feel my love G D When evening shadows and the stars appear F C And there ...
( )When the rain is blowing in your face |F |C ( )And the whole world is on your case |Cm |G ( )I could offer you a warm embrace |A7 D7 | G ( )To make you feel my love 两遍 |C | G ( )I know you haven't made your mind up yet |B |C G ( )But I would never...
To make you feel my love.
To make you feel my love [Bridge] C G I know you haven't made your mind up yet B C* But I would never do you wrong C G I've known it from the moment that we met A7 D No doubt in my mind where you belong [Verse 3] ...
Make-you-feel-my-love吉他谱乐谱_音乐_生活休闲 1人阅读|次下载 Make-you-feel-my-love吉他谱乐谱_音乐_生活休闲。 +申请认证 文档贡献者 微图文 微图文是一家追求高品质服务性质的产品设计... 18097 524843 5.0 文档数 浏览总量 总评分相关文档推荐 ...
歌曲名:makeyoufeelmylove吉他谱 歌手/乐队:Adele GD Whentherainisblowinginyourface FC Andthewholeworldisonyourcase CmG Icouldofferyouawarmembrace A7D7G Tomakeyoufeelmylove GD Wheneveningshadowsandthestarsappear FC Andthereisnoonetheretodryyourtears CmG Icouldholdyouforamillionyears A7D7G Tomakeyoufe...
Make You Feel My Love 作曲者: 未知 艺人/歌手: Adele 改编/制谱: 未知 调号: 未知 风格: 歌曲 难度: 较易 类型: 原版曲谱 收藏量: 204 热度: 曲谱简介: 作者的其他曲谱 更多 周杰伦歌曲串烧Remix 周杰伦 上海一九四三 周杰伦 三年二班(柔情版) ...
郑成河《Make you feel my love》指弹吉他谱,郑成河《Make you feel my love》指弹吉他谱,郑成河,指弹吉他谱
【Nancy教学】Make You Feel My Love吉他教程 南音吉他小屋 1.3万观看 42弹幕 Bob Dylan《Make You Feel My Love》吉他弹唱 Nancy翻唱-南音吉他小屋 音乐· 人声演唱 英文歌吉他弹唱吉他教学吉他谱民谣吉他吉他教程鲍勃迪伦 分享至 投诉或建议 评论2 赞与转发 ...