texlive-latexextra sudo pacman -S shellcheck cscope typescript packer eza sudo pacman -S noto-fonts-cjk arc-gtk-theme jq dnsmasq sudo pacman -S zsh-syntax-highlighting terraform wl-clipboard sudo pacman -S npm llvm llvm-libs lldb hdparm rxvt-unicode sudo pacman -S mariadb-clients ...
a_1=\sigma_1(1)\underbrace{=}_\text{example text}\pi(1)=\rho_1(1)=b_1 the presence of example text creates a gap between = and the math-y material that precedes and follows it. Is there a way to have the text display normally but remove the gap in the equation...
As above, I've marked those cases in yellow where the font family does not match the surrounding text: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=3cm]{geometry} % just to fit 3 tables in one line \usepackage{siunitx} %\AtBeginDocument{\sisetup{unit-...
\indexentry{Text}{{\fontencoding {OT1}\selectfont I}} in the filemwe.idx. As a consequence,makeindex mweorxindex mweproduce an empty filemwe.ind. Moreover, if you usexindex mwe, the programxindexfails with the output...re/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/xindex/xindex-lib.lua:524...
pod2latex(1) pod2man(1) pod2text(1) pod2usage(1) podchecker(1) podgrep(1) podpath(1) pods(1) podselect(1) podtoc(1) popd(1) ppdc(1) ppdhtml(1) ppdi(1) ppdmerge(1) ppdpo(1) ppgsz(1) ppriv(1) pr(1) pr(1g) praliases(1) prctl(1) preap(1) print(1) printafm...
Also read:7 of the Best LaTeX Editors for Linux 4. Xed Most Desktop Environments will include a text editor in them, and they’re not to be ignored. They’re extremely simple GUI editors, so you can use your mouse to highlight. There are graphical options for Find and Replace, for ex...
pod2latex(1) pod2man(1) pod2text(1) pod2usage(1) podchecker(1) podgrep(1) podpath(1) pods(1) podselect(1) podtoc(1) popd(1) ppdc(1) ppdhtml(1) ppdi(1) ppdmerge(1) ppdpo(1) ppgsz(1) ppriv(1) pr(1) pr(1g) praliases(1) prctl(1) preap(1) print(1) printafm...
makedoc provides commands for generating LATEX input from a pack- age file in order to typeset the latter's documentation (somewhat similar and opposite to docstrip)--with v0.3 a single one usually suffices. Cer- tain comment marks are removed, listing commands are inserted, and some (config...
There’s a but here. LaTeX requires\\for a new line, but R uses regex which makes the first\an escape sequence to print the second\. No doubt there’s some bash wizardry I could use to replace these (comments welcome), but I resorted to a find and replace in a text editor as I...
This clean style extends to the help and FAQs, which answer users’ questions with minimal text. Another clever idea was to use the Notion tool to build the Notion.so website. Visitors to the website immediately get to see how the tool is used to organize and present ideas, projects, an...