Last but not least, it’s very important to watch the examples of dashboard apps with a good design and analyze what works well and what could be improved. You will not only learn a lot from it but also gain some inspiration and a good eye for design. Here is a list of websites ...
R-MySQL R-Rgraphviz R-Rserve R-biganalytics R-bigmemory.sri R-bigmemory R-bigtabulate R-bnlearn R-cubature R-doParallel R-easySVG R-entropy R-fitdistrplus R-foreach R-getopt R-gmp R-graph R-gsl R-lsei R-mclust R-mpfr R-np R-npsurv R-optparse R-png R-rgdal R-signal R-tuneR Ra...
If you want to ensure that end users read and understand the results of your complex statistical analyses, this looks like a great package! Learn more about pixiedust There are surely more table packages that I've missed (in wrapping up this post, I came acrossthis listfrom the RStudio R...
This is a proof-of-concept that I’m working on to connect my Interactive Brokers API that manages all of my algorithmic trading. To get the code:Join R-Tips Newsletter The code is in the R-Tip 079 Folder. Download the code and run it: Anatomy of a shinyMobile App The important thin...
Check out this jupyter notebook for a gallery variations of forest plots possible out-of-the-box. The table below shows the list of arguments users can pass in. More fined-grained control for base plot options (eg font sizes, marker colors) can be inferred from the example notebook ...
Answer and Explanation:1 Given Information: The list of data is given as: 24,15,34,92,68,34,78,45,53,67,83,46 The boxplot is given as: Interpretat...
Join 4,2k explorers and get the Shiny Weekly Newsletter into your mailbox for the latest in R/Shiny and Data Science. Name Email Address By completing the form, you agree to receive commercial information by email from Appsilon. You can withdraw consent at any time. ...
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this file MUST have a column called "SNP_B" (containing a list of all the SNPs in the results file) and a column called "R2" (containing the R^2 LD value of each SNP). The SNP names MUST match the names in the SNP column of the results file. ...