在clone google官方demo的时候出现的坑(详细如下): Please make sure you have the correct access rightsand the repository exists. 一度以为是本地的 git config 出现问题,但是 git commit 能正常运行,朦胧记起以前玩的时候还要配置ssh**之类的,既然知道问题所在,那就开始吧。 遇到的问... ...
@文心快码make sure you have the 64 bits oracle client installed. 文心快码 为了确保你已安装了64位的Oracle客户端,我们可以按照以下步骤进行检查和确认: 确认操作系统版本: 首先,需要确认你的操作系统版本,因为不同版本的操作系统可能支持不同版本的Oracle客户端。你可以通过以下命令在Windows和Linux上查看操作系统...
oracle 使用plsqldeveloper 连接数据库时报错 Make sure you have the 64 bits oracle client install 查询orale 版本为64位,oracle客户端也为64位,plsql也是64位,此时连接界面不显示“连接为”。 plsql一直无法连接oracle数据库。 此时可以尝试到微软下载运行环境https://www.microsoft.com/zh-CN/download/details....
一 发个牢骚,不用在意 换了新电脑,要重装开发环境,装PL/SQL Developer的时候,怎么都调不好,死活提示--Make sure you have the 64 bits Oracle Client installed,捣鼓了半天,心态爆炸,但没辙,还得装,继续翻帖子找方法处理这问题,翻了半天,什么版本不对,路径不对,环境变量不对,都跟着操作一番,但还是不好使,...
Make sure you have the 32 bits Oracle Client installed. 说明PLSQL Developer并不支持Oracle 64位客户端连接。 解决办法: 1、下载32位Oracle客户端 其实可以下载免安装版的,http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/winsoft-085727.html,我下载的是instantclient-basic-nt-。
Essentially, the above error code means your update failed, but there are several options to troubleshoot this problem: If there’s a conflict with your VPN or proxy server, make sure it’s completely disabled when trying to update Windows. You may even need to uninstall and reinstall the ...
# use the regexp for of specifying symbols.# Make sure that when we re-make ./configure, we get the macros we need ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects # This is so we can #include <gperftools/foo>
HAVE_LIBWRAP_PROTOTYPES) ENDIF() SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${SAVE_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES}) IF(HAVE_LIBWRAP) SET(LIBWRAP "wrap") ELSE() MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "WITH_LIBWRAP is defined, but can not find a working libwrap. " "Make sure both the header files (tcpd.h) " "...
If "packed" has the effect of making all fields alignment 1, then the whole struct has alignment 1 and you have no control over what happens if that struct is embedded in another type. In particular, you may be laying out a type carefully so that some fields are aligned, but that ...
ocidll forced to load library,initialization error could not initialize make sure you have the 64 bits oracle client installed 是因为你使用pl/sql是64位的,但是软件只找到了32位的oracle 客户端 多次尝试,我的pl/sql是64位,但是这里需要对应的使用64位,我的方案是下载...