"Docker returned an error. Make sure the Docker daemon is running" From the reading I have done, I suspect this could be a user permission error, but I am unsure as to how to correct it. Any advice would be appreciated. Kind regards ...
docker-machine create default Error with pre-create check: "VBoxManage not found. Make sure VirtualBox is installed and VBoxManage is in the path" docker info Client: Debug Mode: false Server: ERROR: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/...
One powerful feature of Docker is that once a container works in one distro, making it work in others is a relatively straightforward process. This is because Docker abstracts the differences between these Linux distros making it compatible with little modifications on the container. Docker also sim...
Note that if the instance is currently running, this action will pause it while its contents are saved. If this is a problem, you can avoid this pause by enteringdocker commit -p=false NAME_OF_INSTANCE mycontainerimageinstead. However, don’t do this unless absolutely necessary. The odds o...
# This variable is only set if ARCHES is not set ARCHES ?= $(patsubst docker-image/Dockerfile.%,%,$(wildcard docker-image/Dockerfile.*)) # Some repositories keep their Dockerfile(s) in the root directory instead of in # the 'docker-image' subdir. Make sure ARCHES gets filled ...
# version.make has the 4.0.0 version number, # each directory must set depth appropriately # # override for HND router ifneq ($(strip $(BUILD_BRCM_HNDROUTER)),) ifeq ($(strip $(BUILD_BRCM_CPEROUTER)),) VERSION_MAKE_FILE := version.hnd ...
You can install VSCode extensions from the terminal, too. Run the following commands to install HashiCorp's Terraform extension, Google's Go extension, and Microsoft's Docker extension:code --install-extension HashiCorp.terraform code --install-extension golang.Go code --install-extension ms-azure...
# > stuff for use from a Dockerfile - NOT a running container # todo: needs renaming, perhaps should include Makefile and this is NOT included... .PHONY: init init: base-apks base-files add-users $(info init run) .PHONY: base-apks # ** base-apks ** installs the core packages...
Confirm that the Ontrack containers are running properly by listing all the active Docker processes: sudodockerps Creating an SSL Reverse Proxy with Caddy At this point, you have a running Ontrack budgeting software on your machine’s port 3000. To access this securely, you need to create an ...
Install Docker and Docker Compose along with their dependencies: sudoaptinstalldocker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin docker-buildx-plugin nginx Make sure that the “core”snappackage is available and running in your system: ...