设置密码// Enter same passphrase again:再次输入密码// 查看密钥cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub// 将内容复制到gitlab / github上设置 ssh密钥的地方// 打开github1.点击头像->点击 setting2.在左侧边栏中选择"SSH and GPG keys"。3.点击"New SSH key"。4.输入title 和 复制的key 保存5.重新下载代码...
如果你不想在每次使用 SSH 协议访问仓库时,都要输入用于保护私钥文件的口令,可以在创建公钥、私钥文件时,输入空口令。 查看公钥 已存在密钥对后,(Linux、Mac 下)可以用以下命令显示查看生成的公钥: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 cat~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub 拷贝公钥 如果打...
首先安装ssh的公开密匙到iPhone上 1).在Mac的终端上产生密匙 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ssh-keygen-trsa Generatingpublic/privatersakeypair. Enterfileinwhichtosavethekey(/home/xxxx/.ssh/id_rsa): Createddirectory'/home/xxxx/.ssh'. Enterpassphrase(emptyfornopassphrase):xxx Entersamepassphrase...
Mac OS X: Built-in support Linux: Depends ongnotifier Windows: Not supported BSD: Not supported Usage:notify <line:string...> defaults:Hooks:OnConnect:notify New SSH connection to {{.Host.Prototype}}. defaults:Hooks:OnDisconnect: -"notify SSH connection to {{.Host.Name}} closed, {{ .St...
.PHONY: create-patch-ssh-key create-patch-ssh-key: hack/scripts/patch-remote/.ssh/key_$(PATCH_HOST_IP)_$(PATCH_USERNAME) .PHONY: cleanup-patch-ssh-key cleanup-patch-ssh-key: rm -f hack/scripts/patch-remote/.ssh/* .PHONY: patch-remote-nuclio patch-remote-nuclio: hack/scripts...
It can make your ssh login simply as well as efficiently on Mac or LInux. 点我翻译 On Mac or Linux system, we are frequently using ssh login remote server by terminal. We will find a headache that is often entering a repetitive command line. Fuck~ it’s a waste of time!Maybe you cl...
…container via SSH, fix SSH connection by IP issue on Mac-OS master (phusion/baseimage-docker#527) noble-1.0.0 … 18.04-1.0.0 matyasmarkovicscommittedApr 8, 2019 1 parent36bd411commit89597c5 Show file tree Hide file tree Showing3 changed fileswith10 additionsand8 deletions. ...
2、删除.ssh文件夹(直接搜索该文件夹)下的known_hosts(手动删除即可,不需要git) 3、git输入命令 $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your@email.com"(请填你设置的邮箱地址) 接着出现: Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/your_user_directory/.ssh/id_rsa)...
1). 在Mac的终端上产生密匙 ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/xxxx/.ssh/id_rsa): Created directory '/home/xxxx/.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): xxx ...