A:I have something to confess. 我有件事要坦白。 B:What is it? 什么事呀? A:I think she’s pregnant! Just make sure to keep it under your hat. 我觉得她怀孕了!你可要保守秘密啊! make it在线翻译 B:Really? Didn’t she know about it?
[C] sth. that deIayS Or PreVentS progress, Or makes things WOrSe than they Were 阻碍前进的事物;挫折 TranSIation 最优秀的队员受了伤,使得这支队伍的实力大打折扣。 The team SUffered a major SetbaCk When their best Player WaS injured. IEXPIOre 1 UnderStandingtheteXt 2 TheSe individuals SUffered ...
Speak from the heart. Even if you are asked to say something without prior warning, keep it original rather than relying on cliches or worse still quotes when remembering the dead. According to Toastmasters International President Gary Schmidt, a toast should be "brief, personal and heartfelt."...
Choose your topic. Make sure it's something of personal interest that doesn't demand hours of research. Consider selecting a particular animal, specific food, a country or an historical figure. Research your topic. Confine your online research to reputable information sites and news articles. This...
So, you’re going to be worse than when you started! What’s the solution? I don’t know. Maybe I’m metamorphosing into something else. I’m a terrific napper. Sunday afternoons are my favorite – right after lunch, on the couch with a blankie and the kitties, I’m good for ...
Of course spell check knows if words are spelled correctly, but sometimes spell check misses things or autocorrects to something it shouldn’t. For example, if you spell “definitely” wrong, spell check might change it to “defiantly.” This isdefinitely notwhat you want!
ctrl shift e 快捷键可能会有问题:1,ibus-setup冲突 2,搜狗输入法也可能冲突。 或者干脆直接修改快捷键: 全选窗口:ctrl+alt+9 取消为:ctrl+alt+0 水平分割:ctl+alt+h 垂直分割:ctrl+alt +v Step by step breakdown of /dev/null https://medium.com/@codenameyau/step-by-step-breakdown-of-dev-null-...
waytogetsomething. 7.Correctfrom:freefrom/of;definition:notinfluencedby 8.Correctfrom:stuckwith;translation:不得不接待;被迫接 待 9.Correctfrom:forbetterorworse;definition:whetherthe resultisgoodorbad 10.Correctfrom:tookchargeof;synonym:tookresponsibility for V. 1.M2.K3.L4.F5.I6.C7.H8.09.E10...
(or situation types) since it requires that the replacement does not change the eventuality type of the situation, more precisely: the replacement must not change an event, understood as a situation with a limit, to something else (a process or a state). In practice, this means that only ...