make [sth] vtr (bring into existence)造出;创造出Let's make a baby! make [sth] vtr (take: a decision, choice) (决定等)做出It's a difficult choice, but someone has to make it.这是个艰难的抉择,但必须有人来做。 make [sth] vtr (utter) (演讲)发表The politician made an impassioned ...
2 do 做 [transitiveT]DO used with some nouns to say that someone does something 进行;作出〔与某些名词连用,表示某人做某事〕 Anyone can make a mistake. 任何人都可能犯错。 I can’t make a decision just yet. 我还没法作出决定。 I need to make a quick phone call. 我需要很快地打个电...
The most criminal mistakes are definitely texting girls when drunk, guilt tripping her and forcing a date. Be sure to avoid these at all costs! Make sure you bookmark this post for future reference and share it with your friends if you think they are guilty of some of the above. So, g...
《Make Something Wonderful》 Steve Jobs 125个笔记 点评 ◆ 2025/02/09 认为好看 When I was 17, I read a quote that said something like “If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” And since I was 17, I have looked in the mirror every...
You make me feel as if I were guilty of something. 你让我 觉得 自己 好像 罪孽深重 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 If your goals don’t allow for a relationship right now, then don’t make it appear as if you’re trying to start one. 如果你有一些人生目标,现阶段不打算跟别人开始谈恋爱,那么...
2 Lonely and, in US English, lonesome suggests that someone does not want to be alone and is unhappy *|lonely 及在美式英语中用的 lonesome, 指并非本人愿意如此, 含有不愉快之意: He was very lonely at first when he moved to London. 他当初刚到伦敦时很孤单. *|She led a solitary existence...
Believe it or not, people also make snap judgments based on someone’s workplace. A desk, office, or cubicle could be saying things about a person when they aren’t even there. So the question is: What does yours say about you? Productive, but lacking in character If your desk is ...
It doesn’t appear he actually is a… Read more → 27 Nov 2022 A Small Measure of Justice On Monday, November 21st, Scott Haines was sentenced in federal court. He took a plea and pled guilty to lying to FBI in an elder exploitation investigation. This is the DOJ press release: FOR ...
to trick someone or make them appear stupid in some way 捉弄 make fun of sb./sth. to make a joke about someone or something in a way that is not kind: 愚弄 The other children were always making fun of him because he was fat and wore glasses. 驭翘绵旋壁稳辅场啦狮呸镁泞貉胆旧垣...
Currently, anyone found guilty of possessing a small quantity of marijuana for the first time can get a criminal record and face a $1,000 fine and/or up to six mont…