另外,你也可以使用Larave内置的{{ class }}和{{ namespace }}写法。 三、测试Service生成 执行以下命令 php artisan make:service IndexService 1. 能正常生成成功 C:\www\wwwroot\laravel8>php artisan make:service IndexServiceService created successfully. 1. ...
protected$name='make:service'; 设置type属性值 type类型设置,我们生成的是service,所以我们设置的属性就是Service。 protected$type='Service'; type类型是自己去定义的,本身没有特殊含义,可以不用设置。 type属性值仅仅在创建错误的时候,给你一个友好的提示,如下所示: C:\www\wwwroot\laravel8>php artisan make...
另外,你也可以使用Larave内置的{{ class }}和{{ namespace }}写法。 三、测试Service生成 执行以下命令 php artisan make:service IndexService 能正常生成成功 C:\www\wwwroot\laravel8>php artisan make:service IndexService Service created successfully. 生成的文件的目录是app/Services/IndexService.php,生成的...
Laravel 创建自定义命令,生成自定义命令文件 通过laravel的php artisan make:command xx 命令生成命令文件 php artisan make:command MakeService 在app\Console\Commands 目录下生成了 MakeService.php <?phpnamespaceApp\Console\Commands;useIlluminate\Console\Command;useIlluminate\Console\GeneratorCommand;// 重点class...
我们在laravel开发时经常用到artisan make:controller等命令来新建controller、model、job、event等类文件。 在laravel5.2中artisan make命令支持创建如下文件: make:auth scaffold basic login and registration views and routes make:console create a new artisan command make:controller create a new controller class ...
In this example, MyController constructor requires an instance of MyService to be injected. When you call make() on MyController, Laravel will resolve MyService and inject it into the controller.Resolving From ContainerFinally, you can also use make() to resolve instances from the container. Fo...
Laravel Level 1 MyirLikOP Posted 3 years ago Hi, how can I do a service and call that service in the controller without having so much code in the controller? For example, to move this code to a service and to call it depending on what I ask for on the route Controller c...
phpstudy配置laravel项目时报错FatalErrorException in Encrypter.php line 100: Call to undefined function openssl_decrypt() MySQL的命令模式中只能识别“utf8”,不能识别“utf-8” Linux下Redis设置密码及开机自启动 Call to undefined function openssl_decrypt() Ubuntu sudo: pip:找不到命令的解决 ubuntu下...
我们在laravel开发时经常用到artisan make:controller等命令来新建Controller、Model、Job、Event等类文件。 在Laravel5.2中artisan make命令支持创建如下文件: make:auth Scaffold basic login and registration views and routes make:console Create a new Artisan command make:controller Create a new controller class ...
JuzaWeb CMS is aLaravel CMSwas engineered to be easy — for both developers and users. Project develop by Juzaweb Team. Demo Site: Frontend:https://cms.juzaweb.com Admin: https://cms.juzaweb.com/admin-cp User/Pass:demo@juzaweb.com/demo@juzaweb.com ...