EXCLUDE的话,匹配regex的元素被删除 4 列表的排序 倒序指令 list(REVERSE <list>) list(SORT <list> [COMPARE <compare>] [CASE <case>] [ORDER <order>]) compare: STRING,按字母表顺序;FILE_BASENAME,列表中的元素为路径,按路径的基础名排序;NATURAL,按数字顺序排序 case:SENSITIVE,区别大小写;INSENSITIVE,...
命令对大小写不敏感(case-insensitive).打印命令 message命令1 message([<mode>] "message text" ...)mode选项空或者NOTICE:比较重要的信息,如前面演示中的格式. DEBUG:调试信息,主要针对开发者. STATUS:项目使用者可能比较关心的信息,比如提示当前使用的编译器. WARNING:CMake 警告,不会打断进程. SEND_ERROR:C...
使用CASE关键字,表明是否大小写敏感,取值有以下两种: SENSITIVE: 大小写敏感,默认行为 INSENSITIVE:大小写不敏感 ORDER决定排序顺序,取值有以下两种: ASCENDING:升序 DESCENDING:降序 15、message 记录消息 General messages message([<mode>] "message text" ...) Reporting checks message(<checkState> "message text"...
def test_parse_string_case_insensitive(self, value): parser = _argument_parser.EnumClassParser(Fruit, case_sensitive=False) self.assertIs(Fruit.APPLE, parser.parse(value)) def test_parse_literal(self): parser = _argument_parser.EnumClassParser(Fruit) self.assertEqual(Fruit.APPLE, parser.parse...
How can i implenet Equal case insensitive lambda expression How can i Insert,update the radio button value into Database(ASp.Net-Vb.net) How can I loop through dropdown list items ? how can i make dynamically Iframe src how can i pass value from content page to master page? How can...
See when you have used fixed the this will not get | as regex. If you want to do exact match use word boundaries i.e \\b, refer the following code: library(dplyr) library(stringr) dfm %>% mutate(source = case_when(str_detect(names, ...
It is case-insensitive;If you are using the Makefile generator, you can create your own build type like this: SET(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE distribution) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DISTRIBUTION "-O3") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DISTRIBUTION "-O3") Note that CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is not initialized with a readable...
Case insensitive Replace cast from double to decimal Cast Interface to class Cast to Enum issue when value is null Casting an Int16 varible to Int in C# produces a runtime "Specified cast is not valid" exception casting from object to System.Reflection.PropertyInfo Casting to nullable generics ...
case 是否大小写敏感? order 升序还是降序? compare: STRING 字符串比较 -- 默认的 FILE_BASENAME 按文件名比较 case: SENSITIVE 默认 INSENSITIVE 大小写不敏感 order: ASCENDING 升序 默认 DESCENDING 降序 New in version 3.18: Added the COMPARE NATURALoption.(这个没法试...
True if the constant is 1, ON, YES, TRUE, Y, or a non-zero number. False if the constant is 0, OFF, NO, FALSE, N, IGNORE, NOTFOUND, the empty string, or ends in the suffix -NOTFOUND. Named boolean constants are case-insensitive. If the argument is not one of these constants...