✅ How to make a PowerShell script run on System Startup in the OOBE Sysprep environment.:Thanks for stopping by, I've searched the corners of the internet but haven't gotten anywhere. To provision devices for my organization, we must...
PowerShell.Admin Add-WindowsFeature, Get-WindowsFeature modules not recognized in powershell. ADD-WorkSheet Excel Adding -Verbose to a Cmdlet Prevents Script From Terminating on Error Adding a 2 line streetaddress to user accounts in Active Directory Adding an AD account to an AD group Adding an...
Export produces a PowerShell script for re-creating the sync rule. With this procedure, you can move a sync rule from one server to another.Create your first custom ruleThe most common changes are to the attribute flows. The data in your source directory might not be the same as in...
PowerShell Stop-Service-Name"SessionEnv"Start-Service-Name"SessionEnv" Reset the permission for the MachineKeys folder. PowerShell remove-modulepsreadline md c:\temp icacls C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys /t /c > c:\temp\BeforeScript_permissions.txt takeown /f"C:\ProgramData\Micros...
NOTICE: most of these functions were migrated to PSH modules https://github.com/ztrhgf/useful_powershell_modules (are available in PowerShell Gallery too) hence are no longer updated here Powershell functions to make my admin work easier. It contains functions from different areas like: Intune...
Resource.LogInformation "Calling Offline PS script= " & PSCmd rv = WshShell.Run(PScmd, , True) Resource.LogInformation "PS return value is: " & rv '...Translate result from PowerShell ... '...1 (True in PS) == 0 (True in VB) ...
Run a .bat file continuously using task scheduler Run a batch job as Windows service Run a command remotely in a windows server by just providing the credentials Run a Powershell Script every xx minutes via a Windows Service? Run a script at startup only once and without logon Run a ...
make test-go - Run the Go tests make test-js - Run the JavaScript tests make lint - Run all linters make lint-go - Run the Go linters make lint-js - Run the JavaScript linters make lint-scss - Run the SCSS linters make lint-ts - Run the TypeScript linters endef ...
But I have 1000 users, and I will die changing permissions by hand, therefore is there any script to set all site collection admins to one person? I mean those settings:
OpenCMD/Shell/PowerShelland enter theFurionproject root directory to packageFurionimage: docker build -t furion:v1.4.3. When it build successful,then rundocker run: docker run --name furion -p 5000:80 furion:v1.4.3 🥥 Packages 🍄 Templates ...