# keep or reset to powershell default Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Shift+Tab -Function TabCompletePrevious # define Ctrl+Tab like default Tab behavior Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Ctrl+Tab -Function TabCompleteNext # define Tab like bash Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function Complete Sha...
Before explaining the profile, let’s first examine the PowerShell host. A PowerShell host is a program that hosts PowerShell to allow you to use it. Common PowerShell hosts include the Windows PowerShell console, the Windows PowerShell ISE, the PowerShell 7 console, and VS Code. Each hos...
Now, we can use dos2unix from PowerShell. # Set the parameters $path = Get-Location $numbOfThreads = 50 $exclude_patterns = "^.*(\.git|\.idea|node_modules|\.next|\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif|mp4|mkv|mp3|wav)$).*$" # Find files to convert $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recur...
-G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 执行configure 和 build(powershell中执行), 其中 n 为 cl.exe 并行进程数量: Measure-Command{cmake--buildvs2022-x64--clean-first--configRelease--targetncnn--/p:CL_MP=true/p:CL_MPCount=n|Out-Default} 基本上在4线程时就得到很好的编译效果了。 对于MTT,...
vcproj2cmake.ps1 vcproj2cmake 的 PowerShell 版本。 folders4cmake 根据Visual Studio 项目文件生成相应的 “source_group” 信息,这些信息可以很方便的在 CMake 脚本中使用。支持 Visual Studio 9/10 工程文件。 CMakeLists.txt 自动推导 gencmake 根据现有文件推导 CMakeLists.txt 文件。 CMakeListGenerator...
"Unable to find a default server with Active Directory Web Services running" when calling a script with Import-module AD "Unable to process the request due to an internal error" After AD Upgrade "WITH" Keyword In Powershell? “The security identifier is not allowed to be the owner of thi...
A new Group Policy enables IT professionals to determine if their users can make use of the Windows Package Manager through either the CLI or PowerShell cmdlets.The latest release of the WinGetCLIcontains the updated ADMX files. For more information on using winget, seeUse th...
PowerShell The PowerShell implementation of mal requires the PowerShell script language. It has been tested with PowerShell 6.0.0 Alpha 9 on Linux. cd impls/powershell powershell ./stepX_YYY.ps1 Prolog The Prolog implementation uses some constructs specific to SWI-Prolog, includes readline suppo...
Use Windows PowerShell to Monitor System Performance Run Check Disk from Windows Explorer to Check for and fix Disk Errors Run Check Disk from a Command Line to Check for and fix Disk Errors Use the Registry to Configure Custom Search Providers in Windows 7 Create and Use a Virtual Hard Disk...
The_PC_Clinic OK, everybody seems to like this, but it does not work for me. I download the installation and run it. It seems to run fine (no errors) and when I right click on Taskbar Properties I can change the default to Windows 10. I restart to ...