UPDATE: New link for rules article: Hi Wes, The following link
I am trying to make this date recieved field visible if the checkbox is checked and not visible is the checkbox not is checked. Can't really get it to work. Any suggestions ? Shouldn't it be: If(Received.Value=false, false, true) ?? I don't ...
电子邮件、电话或 Skype 没有帐户?创建一个! 无法访问您的帐户? 登录选项
登录 电子邮件、电话或 Skype 没有帐户? 创建一个! 无法访问您的帐户?登录选项 使用条款 隐私与 Cookie ...
Rules would probably work well here. Here is a link to rules feature set: Like 0 Reply Share Resources"}},"component({\"componentId\":\"custom.widget.community_banner\"})":{"__type...
In this episode, Chris and I talk withShane Young(Power Apps guru from PowerApps911) andChris Kent(Office 365 Practice Lead at DMI) – maker magicians both – Shane a Power Apps sorcerer and Chris a wizard of lists. Throughout the discussion, we learn how makers make, the approach to m...
, please help. I tried to add a function to the property "Visible" which became "trueIf(<the name of the field>.text...)" Am I doing it correctly? Thanks Yazan
How to make relate a feature to another in Powerapps? Hi I'm facing a problem while coding a pitcogram. I want it to be visible if the value of an another field equals to a specific text. How to do that?, please help. I tried to add a function to the property "V...
How to make relate a feature to another in Powerapps? Hi I'm facing a problem while coding a pitcogram. I want it to be visible if the value of an another field equals to a specific text. How to do that?, please help. I tried to add a function to...