例如,可以使用下列代码开启XML和network模块: 1CONFIG +=qt23QT += network xml 注意QT默认包含core和gui模块,上述代码会增加network和xml模块到默认值列表。下列代码将会忽略默认模块,这会导致应用程序源码编译时错误。 1QT = network xml # This will omit the core and gui modules 如果要不使用gui模块构建工程...
Available on PC Mobile device Description Celebrate your birthday with your best friends! Choose stylish clothes and make a classy makeup. Get new waterproof lipstick, rouge and eyeshadow, change brows shape and eye color, make perfect hairstyles! Play in funny game for girl and kids and dres...
The introduction of array class from C++11 has offered a better alternative for C-style arrays. The advantages of array class over C-style array are :- Array classes knows its own size, whereas C-style arrays lack this property. So when passing to functions, we don’t need to pass size...
Video Arts set to make digital interactive training available with the latest high-speed technology. This article focuses on the plan of Video Arts to make their Interactive Range more easily available to consumers via the asymmetric digital subscriber lin... - 《Industrial & Commercial Training》 ...
I BLAME THE PARENTS; RIGHT FEED THEM Celebrity Chef James Martin Has Backed the Sunday Mercury's Feed Them Right Campaign with a Series off Recipes That Are Cheap, Easy to Make and Highly Nutritious for All the Family. What's More, They're Available FREE t ...
Windows Information Protection (WIP) is an out-of-the box data leakage prevention feature for Windows 10 that can automatically apply protection for work files and data to prevent accidental data leakage.
x86体系结构是自1981年引入IBM PC以来最常见的指令集体系结构。大量的软件,包括DOS、Windows、Linux、BSD、Solaris和Mac OS X等操作系统,都使用基于x86的硬件。 In this course we are not going to design an operating system for the x86-64 architecture but for x86-32, thanks to backward compatibility, ...